What Kamala Harris Told NBC News About Religious Freedom Should Concern Every American Voter

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Kamala Harris did an interview on NBC News Tuesday night and was asked some surprisingly tough questions by Hallie Jackson. There were a lot of softballs, too, as RedState's Bonchie covered, including one particularly embarrassing exchange about ICE in which Jackson ran interference for the woefully unprepared border czar.


But Jackson also pressed on certain matters and was able to get some rare moments of honesty out of Harris. One such matter was the topic of religious freedom as it pertains to abortion. When asked if she would offer religious exemptions when it came to abortion, Kamala shut that idea down real quick. Here's how it went down:

JACKSON: What exemptions would be on the table? Religious exemptions, for example, is that something you would consider?

HARRIS: I don't think we should be making concessions when we're talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body. 

When asked by Jackson if she would, as president with a likely GOP-controlled Senate, offer an "olive branch" to Republican squishes like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski in order to pass legislation that wold force religious institutions to provide abortions, Harris deflected the question, mumbling something about not engaging in "hypotheticals."

Here is Kamala Harris in her own words:

Now, none of this is surprising. Democrats are running in 2024 on a radical abortion agenda, and Kamala herself is an outspoken advocate for not placing any limits at all on abortion. It's a ghoulish approach to "women's health care," but that's where we're at with modern-day leftists. 


Harris told CBS News' "Face the Nation," after refusing to answer repeated questions about viability, this about her views on abortion: 

“I believe that we should put the protections of Roe v. Wade into law, and the way that will happen is if we have a United States Congress, who regardless of their personal view for themselves or their family, would agree that the women of America should be trusted to make decisions about their life and their body based on what they know to be in their best interest. It's that simple."

And her record shows her radical stance.

As a senator, Harris voted against a proposed 20-week abortion ban, calling it “another example of politicians playing politics with health care.”

She also co-sponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify abortion up to viability and also prohibit states from restricting abortion after the point of viability if a physician determined continued pregnancy would pose a risk to a woman’s life or health.

Again, not surprising. She's your average Democrat extremist who wants no restrictions on abortion. Her own running mate, Tim Walz, signed an abortion bill into law in Minnesota in 2023 in which he removed the requirement to offer life-saving care to babies who survive abortion attempts. Pretty sick stuff.

What is concerning is Harris' comments about not providing any religious exemptions for abortion, which proves that she will place the destruction of human life over the religious freedom protections provided in the Constitution. We've been down this road before, with leftists continuously pushing the boundaries on abortion, taking it from "safe, legal and rare" to murdering full-term babies at will, even if the baby is just days from birth. 


Were she to be elected president, Kamala Harris would would take an oath promising to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Based on her own words, she would take that oath knowing that she had no intention of honoring it, and would charge forward with pursuing the most radical pro-abort agenda the United States has ever seen. 


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