NEWSFLASH: Boys and girls are different.
Yeah, I know. Most of us here recognize that, but in some quarters, such talk is considered heresy.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about “Mack” Beggs.
Beggs is a little lady in Texas who just won her second Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound wrestling division championship.
For the second year in a row, she defeated Chelsea Sanchez in the final match on Saturday.
Now, Miss Sanchez is probably feeling pretty cheated, and with good reason.
Beggs is using synthetic hormones to boost her performance, and nobody in the state athletic board is raising a stink about it.
Beggs is actually taking testosterone because she thinks synthetic hormone treatments and plastic surgery will make her a real boy.
She’s sort of like Pinocchio, but Pinocchio only needed magic to turn him from a hunk of wood into a person.
At least we can assume Pinocchio, once transformed, didn’t have to keep taking hormones. Miss Beggs, on the other hand, may eventually have a few surgical “attachments,” but they’ll never perform as the bona fides do, and she’ll have to take those synthetic hormones for as long as she intends to keep up the ruse of “manhood.”
Because Beggs is taking those hormones, however, some say she had an unfair advantage over Miss Sanchez, who we can assume, got to the finals for her division purely on talent.
The crowd at the tournament did not take kindly to a wannabe-boy using “enhancements,” that gave her an unfair advantage.
From the NYPost:
It was his steroid therapy treatments while wrestling girls that stirred a fierce debate about competitive fairness and transgender rights last season. It’s been a lot quieter since last year when his march to a state championship was dogged by a last-minute lawsuit that tried to stop him.
Beggs had asked to wrestle in the boys’ division, but the rules for Texas public high schools require athletes to compete under the gender on their birth certificate.
They keep saying “he.”
Mack is a girl.
She’s a girl taking hormones, but still, she’s a “she.”
In the video from the match, you can hear loud boos, intermingled with cheers.
Beggs’ record going into the match was 32-0. Some of those were forfeit wins, because the other girls didn’t want to risk being injured by wrestling someone who was chemically enhanced.
Beggs’ mom happily enables her daughter’s mental illness. It’s a great way to get your name in the papers.
“He has so much respect for all the girls he wrestles,” said Beggs’ mother, Angela McNew. “People think Mack has been beating up on girls … The girls he wrestles with, they are tough. It has more to do with skill and discipline than strength.”
Actually, in the move that won her the division championship, she powered her way out of a possible pinfall, which absolutely takes strength.
Beggs’ family has repeatedly said he wants to wrestle boys. The birth certificate rule was approved in 2016 by the University Interscholastic League, the governing body for Texas high school sports. It was done to help schools determine competition, said Jamie Harrison, the UIL’s deputy director.
Something else that’s in the UIL is random testing for anabolic steroids (like synthetic testosterone), presumably because, as it is in professional sports, the use of performance enhancing substances is unsportsmanlike and forbidden.
So here’s a chick that they KNOW is taking performance enhancing substances, yet, they’re letting her compete, anyway.
This is the world we’re living in, now, and these double standards are killing us.
Chelsea Sanchez was robbed.
WATCH: in a dramatic finish, transgender wrestler Mack Beggs rolls out of a possible pinfall to avoid defeat and win state. Met with boos from the crowd. @wfaa
— Matt Howerton (@HowertonNews) February 24, 2018
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