Did the Companion of the Vegas Shooter Give the Crowd a Chilling Warning?

Right now, there is still so much we don’t know about the Vegas strip shooter, Stephen Paddock, 64, or his motives.

We also don’t know if he acted alone, or if his companion/girlfriend, Marilou Danley was a co-conspirator. We do know she has been located and taken in for questioning.


Among the many interviews of witnesses, however, one young woman gave an account of what may have been a warning.

An unknown woman in the crowd made her way to the front row and told concert-goers there, “You’re all going to die tonight.”

This was about 45 minutes before the shooting began, according to the witness.

The woman was then escorted out by security and apparently, nobody thought twice about her warning (threat?).

Was this woman Marilou Danley, or somebody completely unconnected?

We just don’t know, at this point.


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