Excuse me while I guffaw, heartily.
Saturday I told you about the lawsuit out of Kentucky against President Trump, brought by protesters who feel he incited violence against them at one of his rallies, back in March 2016.
Besides Trump, several Trump supporters were being sued, as well, including a well-known White Nationalist, touted as the “next David Duke,” Matthew Heimbach.
Apparently, Heimbach is a believer in the “Billy made me do it” defense theory, as he has launched his own countersuit, asking a federal court to hold Trump liable for any damages from the protesters’ lawsuit, should the decision go against him.
This is really so, SO sweet!
POLITICO reports on the suit:
Matthew Heimbach claims in his federal court filing that he “acted pursuant to the directives and requests of Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President” and that, if he’s found liable for damages, “any liability must be shifted to one or both of them.”
In Heimbach’s Monday filing, he “denies physically assaulting” any protesters. But he also levies blame at the protesters, writing that they “provoked a response” by trying “to disrupt a free assembly and campaign event and to infringe rights of the defendants and other attendees to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to vote and other constitutional rights.”
He writes that he “acted, if at all, in self defense,” as well as “in reasonable defense of others,” while also contending he was acting at Trump’s instruction.
This all began at a Louisville, Kentucky rally, where several protesters showed up to disrupt the rally, presumably as part of the Black Lives Matter disruptions that were popping up everywhere, at the time.
Trump said from the stage, “Get ‘em outta here,” and the protesters now claim they were assaulted and roughed up by Trump supporters, as well as his personal security team.
Three protesters joined together to file a civil lawsuit alleging assault and battery against Trump, for inciting violence, as well as against Heimbach and two other Trump supporters in attendance.
Heimbach, a leader of the white supremacist Traditionalist Youth Network and a vocal Trump supporter during the campaign, can be seen in video from the Louisville rally pushing and screaming at a young African-American woman as Trump bellows “get out!”
Here’s the kicker, and I find this particularly hilarious: Trump made a statement on the campaign trail that should any of his supporters incur legal expenses, due to their attempts to defend him from protesters, he would pay their legal fees.
Now that it’s an actual thing, he has gone mum, and those who thought he was one of them, a “regular guy” who would keep his word to them (unlike his history of NOT keeping his commitments to creditors, small business owners, students with Trump University, or his wives), and would cover their legal costs.
Noting that Trump is “a world famous businessman” who “relies on various professionals including attorneys and other professional advisors,” Heimbach writes that he “relied on Trump’s reputation and expertise in doing the things alleged.” Heimbach writes that he relied on Trump’s authority to order disruptive persons removed and that Trump was legally within his rights to ask other attendees to assist in defending their constitutional rights “against ‘protesters’ who were disrupting.”
In other words, Heimbach is another gullible dolt, tossed on the tracks before the Trump train.
Zero sympathy, on this end.
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