Let’s forget that in 2008 they wanted to rip each others hair out by the root.
Hillary “What Scandal?” Clinton is pushing the pander button and going hard in the last week before the election, by suggesting that she would give Michelle Obama a cabinet position of some kind, if she makes it into the White House.
“She’s made it pretty clear she wants to focus on important issues like girls’ education around the world – she and I actually talked about it when we were together in Winston-Salem [N.C.] – and I want to be the best partner I can be for whenever she wants to be involved in government again,” she said in an interview with Extra released Monday.
“I think she wants to take a break from it, but if she ever wants to do anything like that, I would be the number-one person.”
Michelle Obama has been on the trail Clinton, pretending to like her.
It’s no secret that the Clintons are really big on rewarding friends who do them favors, so another Clinton administration would be full of the lovely cronyism we’ve all come to expect from our most corrupt elected officials.
She went on to praise Michelle’s “work” as first lady.
“Well, I don’t know how anybody could have done what she’s done for the last eight years with more grace and more of a sense of purpose but inclusivity,” she said.
Laura Bush, Nancy Reagan, Jaqueline Kennedy, Barbara Bush, Rosalynn Carter…
In fact, we’ve only had two first ladies in anyone’s clear memory that have been absolute beasts, and by all accounts, were absolutely void of anything resembling “grace.”
Michelle Obama’s constant calls of racism and continuous fomenting of ill feelings, even as she sat in the ivory tower of the White House makes her one of them.
“She’s been an exemplary first lady, and I know how hard that job is,” added Clinton, who is herself a former first lady. “So I feel so close to her and I’m so appreciative of all the help she’s giving me, all the confidence and courage, because it’s hard.”
It’s hard because you’re corrupt and weak.
“She is as talented and brilliant a person as there is and I could not be prouder of her, but Michelle does not have the patience or the inclination to actually be a candidate herself,” he said of Michelle Obama on the “Sway in the Morning” satellite radio show. “That’s one thing y’all can take to the bank.”
Speaking of “talented and brilliant,” I think I’ll leave a reminder of what critic and journalist, Christopher Hitchens said of Michelle Obama’s 1985 senior thesis from Princeton:
“To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language.”
Yeah, we definitely want her in a cabinet position.
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