Hey, remember that time the GOP nominee was accused of groping and sexually mistreating women, and all the media panic it caused?
And do you remember how he and his campaign promised that they had substantial evidence to prove his innocence?
“We already have substantial evidence to dispute these lies, and it will be made public in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time — very soon,” said the Republican presidential hopeful at a rally in West Palm Beach, Fla.
“Stay tuned,” his running mate, Mike Pence, added the next day during an interview with CBS. “I know there’s more information that’s going to be coming out that will back his claim that this is all categorically false.”
With early voting well under way in most states, and election day less than three weeks away, we’re still waiting.
The camp did produce a New York Post article about some loon, who claimed to have been on the same flight with Trump and one accuser, Jessica Leeds.
“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her,” 54-year-old Anthony Gilberthorpe told the Post.
He said Leeds “was the one being flirtatious” and suggested he would go so far as to “challenge her on the points she made” against Trump should they happen to meet again. Gilberthorpe’s interview with the Post was arranged by the campaign, and he had no eyewitnesses to corroborate his own account.
This Gilberthorpe’s claim to fame?
He is alleged to be the pimp for young, male prostitutes to members of Great Britain’s Parliament in the 80s.
So, basically the kind of man you’d expect to be a “character” witness for Donald Trump.
And now, there is a 10th accuser.
On Thursday, Trump faced his 10th accusation of sexual assault. This time from Karena Virginia, a yoga instructor, who claimed the billionaire grabbed her breast and made inappropriate comments about her appearance while she was waiting for a car outside the 1998 U.S. Open in Queens, N.Y.
The Trump camp denies this allegation, as well.
At what point does it all become too much? How heavy must the scales be weighed down, before even the most ardent supporters say, “Enough!” and look at their hero with more discerning eyes?
He may be completely innocent. I actually hope he is. He has yet to offer anything other than lip service as proof, however, and this has hurt his campaign.
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