Hispanic Surrogates For Trump Walk Away in Disgust After Last Night's Rhetoric-Heavy Speech

It’s the morning after.

That would be the morning after Donald Trump’s visit to Mexico and his subsequent “major speech” on immigration, and some of his Hispanic surrogates are doing the walk of shame.


Trump has twisted and flipped on the immigration issue so many times, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what his plan is, but last night’s speech was heavy on the angry, hardline rhetoric that has made this raging freak show the talk of the entire election season.

That’s yet, another flip-flop on the issue of immigration. Last week he sent his more loyal bootlicks, such as Ann Coulter, into near-total breakdown, when he announced only the “bad ones” would be deported, while there would be a path to legal status for the rest.

Last night, he was back to spouting the same nonsense that worked in the primaries to a mind-numbed crowd and for those Hispanics who have stepped forward to show support, it may have been a bridge too far.

Two of those supporters are Jacob Monty and Alfonso Aguilar.

Monty had served as a member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council.

Not anymore.

“I was a strong supporter of Donald Trump when I believed he was going to address the immigration problem realistically and compassionately,” said Monty, a Houston attorney who has aggressively made the Latino case for Trump. “What I heard today was not realistic and not compassionate.”

He withdrew from the board following Trump’s speech in Phoenix, which was heavy on calls for border security and emphasized that all immigrants in the country illegally were subject to deportation.

“When we met [earlier in August] he was going to approach this issue with a realistic plan, a compassionate plan, with a plan that was not disruptive to the immigrants that were here that were not lawbreakers,” said Monty, one of the Latino leaders who met with the candidate at Trump Tower recently, a gathering at which Trump reportedly softened his tone toward undocumented immigrants already in the country. “He didn’t deliver any of that.”


Don’t worry, Mr. Monty. There are still several months until the election. By November 8th, he may very well be back to a policy you like.

Aguilar, a Hispanic conservative, was a critic of Trump who began to give him consideration, and earlier in the summer, joined with other Hispanics to write a letter of support for the candidate. He’s since made appearances to support Trump’s candidacy.

“It’s so disappointing because we feel we took a chance, a very risky chance,” Aguilar said. “We decided to make a big U-turn to see if we could make him change. We thought we were moving in the right direction … we’re disappointed. We feel misled.”

That’s because you were misled, Mr. Aguilar. Trump’s stances will shift to whatever he feels will benefit him most in the moment. The people involved don’t matter.

He went on to add, “I can tell you there’s a real possibility we will withdraw support from Donald Trump because of that disappointing speech.”

Neither Monty or Aguilar plan on supporting Hillary Clinton after this, but they echo the sentiment of many who were duped by the orange menace.


The bigger fools are those who actually believed him, last night.


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