U.S. Department of (In)Justice Once Again Inserts Itself Into North Carolina Politics

With the November election looming, activist judges and a corrupt, liberal U.S. Department of (In)Justice are still heavily invested in derailing the success story that has been seen in North Carolina, under the leadership of Governor Pat McCrory.


Increasingly, North Carolina is emerging as the blueprint for conservative success, and that is something that makes liberals nationwide very uncomfortable.

In July, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals – a court packed with liberal activists – deemed themselves mind readers, and struck down North Carolina’s voter ID law, because of what they determined to be “intent.”

At the beginning of August, Governor McCrory responded:

“Changing our state’s election laws close to the upcoming election, including common sense voter ID, will create confusion for voters and poll workers,” McCrory said in a statement Friday.

“The court should have stayed their ruling, which is legally flawed, factually wrong, and disparaging to our state. Therefore, by early next week, we will be asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the ruling of the Court of Appeals.”

McCrory has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate the voter ID laws, but as with anything that makes sense and is put forth by a conservative politician, the DOJ has once again rushed to intercede.

“This is a case about the use of race to achieve partisan ends and the coming election should be conducted as the July ruling ordered so that it will be ‘free from the taint of racial discrimination,'” the Justice Department said in a friend of the court brief Thursday, according to NBC News.

The state wants the Supreme Court to continue allowing it to enforce its voter ID laws, to limit early voting to 10 days instead of 17 and to bar pre-registration by 16-year-olds.


The liberal 4th Circuit of Appeals Court and the highly partisan, highly suspect Department of (social) Justice are, in effect, determining that minorities are both ignorant and corrupt, in need of their constant protection and coddling.

If the voter ID laws applied only to minorities, they might have a case, but everyone, no matter the race, has to abide by the laws, so the minorities who constantly support liberal politicians need to ask themselves if they’re really being protected or are they being used?


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