So the Democrat filibuster to force a vote on new gun control measures was a waste of time and little more than a political show. Lawmakers took to the Senate today to try and reach an agreement that both sides could live with.
Senate lawmakers blocked four gun control amendments in procedural votes Monday evening, forcing Senate leaders back to the drawing board just days after a dramatic filibuster and a political agreement to allow the votes after the Orlando massacre.
A proposal put forth by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) would have required a 72-hour waiting period for gun purchases by those on the terror watch list. Democrats, arguing that 72-hours was not enough time to get their case for keeping the applicant from purchasing a gun into court voted down the measure 53-47.
Earlier in the evening, the Senate rejected third proposal from Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who led last week’s Senate filibuster to argue for tighter gun restrictions after a shooting massacre in Orlando, Florida. Murphy’s amendment would have expanded background checks to gun shows and online purchases, but it failed to win even a majority of Senate votes, and it failed 44-56.
Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) authored a measure designed to boost the background check system for purchasing firearms. Democrats took objection to what they saw as a failure with the measure to close loopholes for sales at gun shows and online. This measure failed 53-47.
Finally, Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) offered up a measure that would have put the authority for blocking gun sales under the eye of the federal government, to be implemented against anyone who had been on any terrorist watch list in the last five years.
This bill was also voted down, 47-53.
While the partisan bickering continues over guns, the real issues continue to be ignored. That is, guns were never the problem.
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