May this be the first of many.
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has signed into law the “Blue Lives Matter” bill, which draws police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services workers under the umbrella of those who may be targeted for hate crimes.
“’The overarching message is that hate crimes will not be tolerated in Louisiana,’ Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards told in a written statement. He added that he has ‘great respect’ for the work that law enforcement officers do and the daily risks they take.
‘I thought it was critical that we add protections for the people that protect us,’ state Rep. Lance Harris, a Republican, told
Harris authored the bill after the murder of Darren Goforth, a 47-year-old Texas sheriff who was gunned down at a gas station ‘because he wore a uniform.’”
Goforth was just one tragic case out of many. Attacks on police officers have increased since the thuggish conception of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, that began in 2013, but ramped up the rhetoric (as well as the violence and otherwise uncivilized behavior) in late 2014, when Michael Brown, of Ferguson, Missouri, attacked officer Darren White.
The myth of an unarmed, harmless teen, with his hands up in surrender made the rounds, even in spite of eyewitness accounts (and in face of discredited witnesses who first said his hands were up) to the contrary.
The result was a town nearly razed to the ground, and police officers, just by virtue of their profession, were labeled as moving targets.
Under Louisiana’s new measure, anyone convicted of a hate crime-related felony could face up to an additional $5,000 fine and five years behind bars. For a misdemeanor, the punishment comes with a $500 fine and an additional six-month prison sentence.
The “Blue Lives Matter” bill easily passed both state legislative houses.
Liberal detractors, such as the Anti-Defamation League, object to the bill, saying it deters from “identity-based” crimes.
The fact that police officers have come under attack, with line of duty-related deaths spiking in 2014 and continuing onward doesn’t seem to move them.
The radical agenda of the left, carried out by groups like the BLM crowd is to make neighborhoods less safe and to force communities under tighter government control. Were it anything more noble, you wouldn’t see such pushback to the words “Blue lives matter” or “All lives matter.”
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