We interrupt our regularly scheduled attacks on the gilded toad to briefly remind everyone that Barack Hussein Obama is a slithering, vile Marxist, and he means to destroy us.
Case in point would be his continued pressures on North Carolina, as he steps all over our Constitution, common sense, and decency.
With everything going on in the world, the petty man-child has made fundamental “change,” even to the point of forcing North Carolina businesses to tow the progressive line, when it comes to the gay agenda, a priority.
As Caleb Howe pointed out here earlier this week, Obama and his vile Department of Injustice are letting other things go, so they can focus on corrupting North Carolina’s bathroom policies.
North Carolina Lieutenant Governor, Dan Forest, commented on the move Wednesday:
“To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will ultimately open those same children up to exploitation at the hands of sexual predators is by far, the sickest example of the depths the Obama Administration will stoop to ‘fundamentally transform our nation.'”
This is in reference to the Obama administration’s threat to withhold federal funds that would benefit schools and housing, among other things, if the state refuses to comply with the twisted worldview of cultural Marxists and the LGBT bullies.
I reached out to Governor Pat McCrory’s office today for a quote and got this statement from McCrory spokesman, Ricky Diaz:
“The Obama administration’s threats and bully tactics are way beyond anything we’ve ever seen before. This move should put all states, schools and businesses around the country on notice and show just how far the Obama administration is willing to go to impose its ideology and bathroom policies on the whole country. But this is the opinion of one federal agency and the state’s attorneys are currently reviewing the letters and determining the next steps.”
We are in a fight for the soul of our nation and every day it seems to be getting harder and harder.
Keep praying and keep pushing, Patriots.
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