Donald Trump Muses on Cruz's VP Pick

We now return to your usually scheduled Trump idiocy.

After an expected sweep of five of the more moderate-to-liberal states, and an uncomfortably structured foreign policy speech with no actual substance, Trump is back to being Trump.


An ass.

The gilded toad made his victory lap Wednesday on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show. In front of an adoring crowd and an equally compliant host, Trump mused on Ted Cruz’s announcement today that he had decided to pull Carly Fiorina in as his VP pick.

“I just think it’s so early in the process. You have to first get the nomination. Here’s a guy picking a vice presidential candidate — he has zero chance. He has no path. It’s sort of crazy,” Trump said. “It gets him in the news cycle because he’s been totally taken out. He had a horrible day yesterday, and he came in third — meaning third out of three most of the time.”

While Tuesday night’s results make it impossible for Cruz to get to the required 1,237 delegates, it does not assure that Trump will reach the magic number. At a contested convention, Cruz will likely fare much better.


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