BREAKING. White House Cancels Daily Press Briefing

The last regularly scheduled White House press briefing was held on December 18 and they may be a thing of the past.


This latest hiatus exceeds the 29-day, Oct. 29 to Nov. 27, absence last year.

I’m not sure this is a bad thing. Thanks to assclowns like Jim Acosta and the whole CNN crew, basically the briefings had degenerated from a news gathering exercise into an opportunity for people with limited intelligence and education but lots of pancake makeup and blow-dried hair to tell the administration how screwed up they were. Newsgathering will continue to happen by real reporters and guys like Acosta will be made irrelevant. It isn’t like the president has been inaccessible.

And Trump is exactly right about the coverage. There is zero effort being made to cover in a dispassionate, non-partisan way what the administration is doing. The focus of stupid gotcha-journalism for the sole purpose of causing political damage to the administration has made the news product inherently untrustworthy. The lack of a platform for the bad actors may actually improve coverage and journalism.


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