Welp. This is going to be interesting.
.@SenatorBurr: "Flynn's lawyers said he would not honor the subpoena, and that¹s not a surprise"… "We'll figure out" next steps, "if any."
— David Wright (@DavidWright_7) May 18, 2017
Without access to all the correspondence, it is hard to know what to make of this.
The Senate Intelligence Committee issued the subpoena on May 11 after Flynn’s lawyer had turned down a “friendly request” made by the committee on April 28. We know the prosecutor handling the Russia investigation (at least for now, I don’t know if Mueller will keep the same guy or not) has subpoenaed basically the same stuff the Senate asked for. I’m assuming that the response basically tells the Senate to get the documents from Justice, but we are talking Flynn here who has made some of the most boneheaded decisions I’ve ever seen in a man of his experience.
If not, if it is just a baldfaced FOAD, the next step is for the committee to vote a contempt citation and that goes to Department of Justice for enforcement. (If you are interested in the process, this is a really good overview.)
Day so far: Cornell dead. Ailes dead. Flynn won't honor subpoena. Chaffetz may be stepping down early. And it's only 11:35am.
— Rachel Martin (@rachelnpr) May 18, 2017
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