Via Washington Post
Right-wing politician Marine Le Pen claimed victory alongside centrist Emmanuel Macron for the French presidential runoff, with the future of the European Union at stake.
With opponents conceding, the choice of far-right firebrand Le Pen and unconventional centrist Macron upends France’s traditional parties after the first round of elections.
They advance to a head-to-head runoff May 7 that could further the worldwide march of anti-globalization populists.
This sets up a runoff between Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. Polls by the same folks who proclaimed Trump couldn’t win are now touting Macron’s lead in the runoff polls
Clinton led Trump by 2-3 points
Remain led Leave by 1-2 points
Macron leads Le Pen by 26 points in runoff polls— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) April 23, 2017
Le Pen has a hard row to hoe to pull off a May victory, but if you don’t think 50,000 paramilitary police and 7,000 French soldiers on the street to keep election day safe won’t focus attention of immigration and French identity, I don’t think you’ve been paying attention.
Tonight's election once again shows that the young *are* open to populism. Le Pen + Melenchon got >50% among the young, <20% among the old.
— Yascha Mounk (@Yascha_Mounk) April 23, 2017
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