Via Daily Caller:
Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.
“What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals,” diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group Monday.
“The overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by anybody of the Trump associates, or anyone they were speaking with,” diGenova said. “In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls.”
Michael Doran, former NSC senior director, told TheDCNF Monday that “somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security secrets and partisan politics.” This “was a stream of information that was supposed to be hermetically sealed from politics and the Obama administration found a way to blow a hole in that wall.”Doran charged that potential serious crimes were undertaken because “this is a leaking of signal intelligence.”
“That’s a felony,” he told TheDCNF. “And you can get 10 years for that. It is a tremendous abuse of the system. We’re not supposed to be monitoring American citizens. Bigger than the crime, is the breach of public trust.”
The picture that is being painted of surveillance of Trump campaign and transition officials by the Obama administration is increasingly grim.
Far from it being a situation where Trump officials were “incidentally” caught up in completely appropriate surveillance, it is beginning to look like a program that was targeting the Trump campaign by using legitimate targets as a subterfuge. Back on March 1, Obama administration officials were crowing about what they were doing though the media was painting them as bold preservers of democracy in an age of #resistance rather than craven political hacks. Now when you read the Rice story together with its predecessor you begin to see the outlines of how the operation worked. Rice asked NSA to unmask the names of US persons caught up in “incidental” surveillance. She distributed those names fairly broadly across the government. There is little doubt that Mike Flynn was one of those names.
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