Every year since 1988, Rolling Thunder, a veterans group that seeks accountability for PWs and MIAs in every American war, has rallied at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day weekend.
Where this year is different is that this year the event was loaned by the organizers to Donald Trump to use as a campaign event.
I use the words “campaign event” deliberately because this is the sum total of what Trump had to say about Memorial Day or Rolling Thunder’s mission.
And as a IRS recognized non-profit, a 501(c)3, what Trump did at this rally was a violation of IRS rules.
He had four points: a) he loves bikers (only in the most manly and un-gay way ever), b) he is going to rebuild the military, c) veterans care sucks, and d) the United States is losing jobs to damn foreigners. We didn’t even get a round of ‘Murca out of the deal, just a promise that Donald Trump was great.
We’ve mentioned before that Trump has a preternatural ability to reduce to pathetic, whimpering assclown status any group that endorses him. We’ve seen that with Evangelicals. We’ve seen it with social conservatives. We’ve seen it with other veterans groups. We’ve seen it with Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Matt Drudge, Breitbart, etc. The NRA will inevitably join the list and Rolling Thunder did it today.
Let’s review the bidding:
Donald Trump is a draft evader. He used four academic deferments and one medical deferment to run out the clock on his draft eligibility. He’s not a draft dodger. Bernie Sanders owns that honor because he filed a fraudulent affidavit seeking conscientious objector status. At no point in his speech does he acknowledge veterans.
Donald Trump tried to have disabled veterans who were street vendors evicted from the sidewalk in front of Trump Plaza. His crocodile tears for veterans seems limited to the services they receive from the VA, not to opening the doors to the free enterprise system to them.
Donald Trump, as part of his insult war with John McCain, said he had no use for former PWs, calling them, collectively, losers. Accountability for PWs is a core function of Rolling Thunder.
Donald Trump didn’t really care about the event:
“Donald Trump’s a smart man, but he must have a couple of dumb guys working for him,” said Muller, running a hand through his brushed-back gray hair.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee had agreed to come speak at the event’s Sunday rally. But he had just found out that Trump’s staff thought the appearance was Monday.
Trump would make it Sunday, they promised.
In short, Rolling Thunder invited a man who not only did not serve his country but has demeaned those who did to speak at their event. In his speech, neither they, nor their mission, nor even the freakin holiday was mentioned. It was all about how great Donald Trump is. These people whored themselves for the benefit of Donald Trump and all they got was everlasting disgrace and possibly a well-deserved IRS audit.
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