I’ve said it over and over. The Establishment candidate in this race is Donald Trump. Trump went to their schools. He sits on the board of the same philanthropies and corporations. He vacations with them. He goes to their parties. He may be loud and uncouth and have abnormally tiny hands but he is one of them. His populism is merely a schtick that he uses in the same way Hillary Clinton trots out her “black” accent.
Proof, you say? Okay. Here you go.
We are at a break point in the nomination process where anyone who is opposed to Donald Trump must unite behind Ted Cruz. Time is up. There is not time for screwing around. But, according to Boss Hogg Haley Barbour everyone is in too big of a hurry to unite behind Cruz:
In the debate over how to stop Donald Trump’s roll to the GOP presidential nomination, not everybody in the Republican Party is willing to subscribe to Mitt Romney’s strategy of consolidating behind Ted Cruz.
Haley Barbour, the former Mississippi governor and Republican National Committee chairman, said any rush to get behind Cruz — or any single candidate for that matter — would short-change the process.
“I am not of a mind that people ought to be for somebody they’re not for because of some strategy that somebody’s dreamed up,” Barbour said in an interview. “I still think there’s plenty of time to be for who you think would make the best president.”
“A vote for Governor Kasich in future contests makes it extremely likely that Trumpism would prevail,” Romney wrote. Yet Barbour said it’s a strategy that is being pursued too soon. Barbour, who has played a role in every Republican primary since 1968, said that while Trump is more likely to win the nomination than anyone else running, the race “is far from over.”Voters should “not feel like they have to be for somebody they ought to be for because of some contrived theory of how an open convention operates,” Barbour said.
Barbour knows that time is up as well as the rest of us. But he’s looking downstream and, on the one hand, he sees the gravy train drying up under a Cruz administration. On the other hand, he sees a rich flowing stream of federal largess under Trump or under Kasich, if he can manipulate that outcome, or under Clinton or Sanders. In short, of the five potential outcomes of the November election, Ted Cruz is the only one that poses a threat to the livelihood of the monumentally corrupt Barbour clan and its allies.
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