I don’t know what it means. But self-described master of the 140 character format has gone silent on Twitter after finishing third in Iowa last night.* Perhaps this is what happens when you start believing your own press releases.
But in the end he was 2016’s first big loser, 4 percentage points behind Cruz and just 1 point ahead of Marco Rubio, who tied Trump with seven delegates. And his Twitter feed, which boasts more than 30,000 tweets broadcast to his nearly 6 million followers, has been quiet for more than 14 hours.
As of 10 a.m. Tuesday, the political outsider known for speaking his mind hasn’t had anything to say since the caucuses concluded. The bombastic billionaire hasn’t cast a single retweet or made mention of a poll, called on voters to “Make America Great Again,” given a heads-up for TV appearances or an upcoming rally, or even thrown an attack or insult at the media. Trump’s last tweet encouraged Iowans to caucus and was sent Monday at 7:34 p.m.
POLITICO is even running a Trump-silent-on-Twitter clock.
*Both Trump and Rubio received seven delegates, making them tied. If two teams tie for a position they both share the lowest of the two places, so Rubio and Trump tied for third.
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