If there is one thing Hillary Clinton understands it is destruction. While Bill Clinton was in public life, her job was to destroy the reputation of any of the victims of Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults who had the temerity to complain. As Secretary of State, when Clinton wasn’t unreachable because of her rigorous nap schedule, she destroyed governments in Libya and Egypt and set off brutal civil wars in Libya, Iraq, and Syria. So when Clinton threatens to destroy something, you have to take her seriously.
Yesterday, Clinton was on a campaign stop in Keota, Iowa. Being in such a place is probably a bit like her idea of Purgatory if not outright Gehenna and so her discomfort made her little unguarded.
Go to about 0:50 for the lead-in to the statement, though watching this dazed old bat in action makes you realize just how horrible a candidate she is.
Here is the red meat:
“This school district, and these schools throughout Iowa, are doing a better than average job. “Now, I wouldn’t keep any school open that wasn’t doing a better than average job.”
Via The Federalist:
According to U.S. Department of Education statistics, there were just over 98,000 public schools in the U.S. as of the 2011-2012 school year, the most recent year for which complete data are available. Under Hillary Clinton’s proposed education plan to shutter all average and below average schools, that would mean that nearly 50,000 schools would have to be shut down, assuming that the median and average national school performance were roughly equal.
Via left-wing nutball Brian Beutler of The New Republic:
That’s still a lot of school closings and unemployed teachers and so on. It’s also before you get to the recursion problem—once the first batch of average and below-average schools are closed, the remaining ones will be roughly divided across a new, higher average. The ones at and below it will presumably have to close, too. Eventually we’ll be left with one, very good school, where students will learn the ways this is similar to and different from Zeno’s paradox. But this school, too, will have to be closed, because it will comprise the average on its own, and no school that isn’t doing better than average can stay open.
Does Clinton actually propose to shut down at least half of the schools in the nation? The thought is probably in her mind because that would be the best hope of the Democrat party to develop future members and elected officials, but she is restrained by the fact that such an action would demand that school choice be the law of the land and it would heave tens of thousands of unionized teachers no longer sending money into Democrat slush funds.
What is clearly going on here is that Clinton is an intellectual lightweight and she was trying to appeal to a bunch of hicks in Iowa where school funding is a hot topic. She is clearly unfamiliar with public education, not surprising as her whelp, Chelsea, went to tony private schools. And from the way she was hemming and hawing, she obviously didn’t know squat about the school funding issue the audience was concerned about.
The obvious take-away from this performance and from others, too, is that Hillary Clinton is not equipped to compete in an environment where she is not completely insulated from observation and inquiry. Because the more you see her, the more you can’t escape the obvious conclusion that she is a fraud. [mc_name name=’Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’W000797′ ] has connived with Clinton to keep Clinton below the radar for as long as possible. This is a short term advantage but it is going to come back to haunt the Democrats when they can no longer keep their candidate in a lockbox and these bizarre, nonsensical, and otherworldly statements she makes are reported in real time without media filters.
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