Ted Cruz takes the GOP leadership to the woodshed

Let me preface this by saying I’d give anything, up to and including precious body parts, to see Ted Cruz president. It probably won’t happen but the thought of it keeps me warm at night.


Cruz was on Sean Hannity today and had some interesting things to say. You can listen to the interview here:

“If you look at the left, if you look at Barack Obama, or Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi, they are committed to their liberal principles. They are commited to their policy agenda that frankly is destroying this country.They will crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to advance their policy agenda.

“On our side, we’ve got a bunch of weenies!”

He says the only tactic in the GOP playbook is “surrender.” He also said the governing philosophy in the GOP leadership was that if you don’t have 67 votes you have to do what Harry Reid says.

Just like when he called McConnell out for the lying, two-faced weasel that he is, Cruz it right on the mark.

McConnell and Boehner hold immense power. McConnell, in particular, could stop executive and judicial branch appointments. This would be a great tool to bring the White House into line because talking to them only encourages them to further outrages.

Cruz stands virtually alone among his colleagues in understanding the problem and having a solution that doesn’t involve grabbing your ankles.



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