The administration’s attack-Pomeranian, John Kerry, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday and proceeded to soil himself over the letter Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other GOP senators who have bothered to read the Constitution sent to whatever mullah is ruling Iran these days informing them that the negotiations they are carrying on with the Obama administration and meaningless.
Secretary of State John Kerry said in an interview broadcast Sunday that a letter to Iranian leaders signed by 47 Republican senators was “absolutely calculated directly to interfere with these negotiations.”
“It specifically inserts itself directly to the leader of another country saying, ‘Don’t negotiate with these guys because we’re going to change this,’ which by the way, is not only contrary to the Constitution with respect to the executive’s right to negotiate, but it is incorrect because they cannot change an executive agreement,” Kerry said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“So it’s false information and directly calculated to interfere and basically say, ‘Don’t negotiate with them. You’ve got to negotiate with 535 members of Congress,’ ” he added.
Let’s unpack this string of stupidity.
1. Kerry himself has said that what is being discussed with Iran is non-binding:
Secretary of State [mc_name name=’Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’K000148′ ] said “we are not negotiating a legally binding plan” with Iran in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday.
“With respect to the talks, we’ve been clear from the beginning. We’re not negotiating a ‘legally binding’ plan. We’re negotiating a plan that will have in it a capacity for enforcement. We don’t even have diplomatic relations with Iran right now. And the Senators’ letter erroneously asserts that this is a legally binding plan, it’s not” he stated.
If this is true, then it is difficult to see why Kerry cares. Senator Cotton’s letter only referred to legally binding agreements. There is no way a letter about requirements for Senate approval of binding agreements could interfere with the non-binding feel-good agreement being negotiated by Kerry.
2. Any senator or group of senators can write a letter to any head of state. They do it all the time.
3. The Constitution does not give the Executive an exclusive right to negotiate with foreign governments. The Constitution doesn’t even mention “non-binding” agreements. What the administration is doing is trying an end-run around the Constitution by negotiating an agreement that can never be approved.
4. Executive agreements can be changed. That Kerry would say this shows just how profoundly stupid the man is.
5.Senator Cotton never asserts that what Kerry is doing is legally binding. In fact, the letter makes just the opposite point:
What these two constitutional provisions mean is that we will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei. The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.
Kerry and the administration are reacting to this rather mundane letter in this way because Cotton has given away their game. Obama is dead set on giving Iran a nuclear weapon. He appears to be doing it because he has convinced himself that if he does this then Iran will become a major regional ally — I’m open, however, to believing he’s doing this from malice and stupidity. Cotton putting Iran on notice, in a public way, that Congress is not going to ratify anything Obama is negotiating and depriving Obama of a Potemkin treaty is what is driving them crazy.
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