Brian Stelter Thinks It's AWFUL for a SCOTUS Justice to Promote His Book on 'Fox & Friends'

Brian Stelter attends the 11th annual CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017, in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

Brian Stelter attends the 11th annual CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History on Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017, in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)


Brian Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” catches a lot of flak for his partisan hackery analysis on Twitter. It wouldn’t be so bad if he’d exhibit an iota of self-awareness.

But…he doesn’t. And so we have incidents like the one that unfolded this morning.

It seems that Stelter is deeply — deeply, deeply — concerned about Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s appearance on “Fox & Friends” this morning. You see, per Stelter, “Fox & Friends” is “one of the most partisan shows on TV.” Thus, it’s inappropriate for a Supreme Court Justice “to try to goose sales of his three-month-old book” on the show. (Would it matter if the book were a month old, Brian? A year?)

Of course, Stelter didn’t take issue when Justice Gorsuch appeared on his own network CNN to hawk his book, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It,” in September. (Because CNN isn’t awash in partisanship.)

Nor, did he take issue with Justices Sonya Sotomayor or Stephen Breyer appearing on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to hawk theirs.


Or Justice Sotomayor’s appearance on the “Today Show” for the same purpose:

Or the fact that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has thoroughly made the rounds (including “Maddow”) pitching hers:

In fact, Stelter appeared positively giddy about Breyer’s Colbert appearance:

(So cool!)

But, heaven forbid a justice appear on “Fox & Friends” – the top-rated cable news morning show.  Because partisan.


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