At some point in Dennis Prager’s interview with alleged “honeytrap” Svetlana Lokhova — the woman alleged to have spent the night with Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn at the behest of Putin — he says that he is not someone who believes in conspiracies. He has never, he says, given credibility to any of them.
But this one — that Lokhova, a colleague of Stefan Halper at Cambridge who was invited to a dinner where Flynn was in attendance and three years later was smeared in American media as part of Russiagate and the destruction of Flynn’s reputation — Prager says he believes.
After listening to the interview, conducted in person in Tampa, Fla. with the lady herself, it’s hard not to believe Lokhova’s story. It’s a riveting tale that involves the “shadow” world where Halper lives and works, what motivated the Cambridge academic (she believes it was simply money and tells a story of Senator Grassley’s discovery of Pentagon payments to Halper in the millions), how this strange man ruined her reputation around Cambridge without her knowledge, how he lied to the press, and how the American press — former Wall Street Journal reporters, David Ignatius at the Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Guardian — coordinated to destroy hers and the general’s reputations.
This is an absolute must-listen.
Lokhova has been trying to clear her name since 2017 when — three years after the dinner she attended, after which her husband picked her up (he tried to go on record that she spent the night with him, but the press wasn’t interested) — four separate American papers suddenly had her email address and began asking her about her relationship to General Flynn.
Prager’s conclusion is that what Trumps says about the press is 100% true. And Lokhova’s story, especially in light of the recent ABC/CBS collusion to fire an innocent employee, lends weight to that statement.
And the undercurrent, as Lokhova tells her tale, is the knowledge that a man’s life — a good man, who had dedicated his career to a life of service to his country — was destroyed over politics and a disagreement with the outgoing administration on, according to Lokhova, whether or not they could claim that ISIS had been defeated as a matter of legacy.
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