New: NY Times Accidentally Blows Lid Off of What Kamala Harris Knows About Joe Biden's Cognitive Health

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Since she has become the Democrat presidential nominee, Kamala Harris has turned dodging and weaving around what she knew of Joe Biden's cognitive issues into an art form at times, saying after the most recent question asked by NBC News that the reporter should feel free to ask Biden the question, not her.


Indeed, the question about what she knew was one of the few contentious moments during that interview, which aired last Tuesday. Anchor Hallie Jackson tried every which way she could to get Harris to admit what she really saw from Biden the last three and a half years considering she's his VP. 

After pointing out that the whole reason Harris was now the nominee was because of Biden's disastrous debate performance and the fallout that followed, Harris replied "Well, you'd have to ask him if that's the only reason why.”

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It's an insult to the intelligence of the American people for Harris to continue to act like she knew nothing about the apparent issues with Biden's state of mind.  But though she won't directly admit to what she witnessed, those close to her are spilling the beans, something we learned quite by accident thanks to a New York Times piece that tackled the subject of the Harris campaign purposely avoiding joint campaign visits with Biden down the homestretch.

My colleague Bob Hoge reported on the issue Sunday, citing an Axios story - denied by the Biden White House - about how the Harris campaign wanted to keep Biden at arm's length because they considered him a political liability.

While the Times story, which came out Monday, seems to back-up the crux of the Axios piece, contained within the Times article was this little nugget (bolded emphasis added):


In recent weeks, Ms. Harris has quietly added some new questions to her daily round of calls to outside allies and advisers, a regular routine she has kept up for much of her career to make sure she is taking the pulse of what is happening outside her immediate bubble.

She has gingerly peppered people who are close to Mr. Biden with questions about the president’s mind-set and his emotional and physical health as Election Day draws nearer: “How do you think he’s doing?” she will ask, according to two people briefed on those calls.

This is just... incredible. I mean Harris is still the vice president and obviously has Biden's personal cell phone number. She could call him and ask him how he's doing any time she wanted to. And yet she's "gingerly" asking... White House staffers instead?

Y'all, Kamala Harris knows. She's likely known since the early days of becoming his vice presidential running mate because you can't be around Biden long without noticing it. You just can't. And to make things worse, she was willing to stay quiet about it for the entirety of her time serving with him because it helped her politically to keep it under wraps.


And she was willing to go on with the charade through another presidential campaign cycle even though by the time the decision was made to run again, Biden's handlers no doubt were the people really running the show behind the scenes, with First Lady Jill Biden seeming to play a starring role.

One of the biggest cover-ups in American political history was what the vice president of the United States knew about the decline of the current president and when she knew it.  And even beyond that, was she part of the team who was leading and making decisions during all of this? 

That Harris has not been made to answer for this scandal at this point in the court of public opinion is infuriating, and our only hope is that as a sign of their discontent, a majority of the American people render a "your fired" verdict to the Democrat presidential nominee next Tuesday at the ballot box.

RELATED:  '60 Minutes' Has Some Explaining to Do After Eye-Opening Edit Discovered on a Kamala Harris Word Salad


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