'So Damn Dishonest': Lawrence Jones Shreds DNC Chair Over Racism Accusation Against Brian Kilmeade

Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP

Not surprisingly, amid the seeming coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats and their media allies are busy dusting off and trotting out the "race" and "woman" cards in an effort to blunt legitimate criticisms of Harris' disastrous record.


As a perfect case in point, their reaction to a Fox News segment from Wednesday in which the topic under discussion was Harris and how she had chosen to skip out on the Congressional address from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to give a speech to a college sorority. 

A video clip shared to Twitter/X by the "Bad Fox Graphics" account hows co-host Brian Kilmeade taking her to task for it. The Twitter user claimed Kilmeade went "full racist" and referred to the sorority as "colored":

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, last seen prioritizing the important things by taking on random Twitter users with small follower counts, pounced and seized on the clip, and called out co-host Lawrence Jones for allegedly just sitting there and not ripping into Kilmeade:

“A COLORED sorority” … in 2024 on national tv… this clown thought it was correct and appropriate to use the term “colored” to describe a distinguished and historic African American sorority. 

But what is even worse… a Black man sat a few feet away on that couch and didn’t correct him.  He was as quiet as a church mouse. 

Folks be prepared for the racism and misogyny… but let’s put them on notice, America is now “unburdened” and we ain’t going back!!! 


Democrat hack Claire McCaskill got in on the action, too, trying to shame Jones:

Jones, of course, was having none of it, correcting the record to note that Kilmeade actually said "college" and challenging Harrison to a one-on-one debate on how Democratic policies have negatively impacted communities of color:

Warning: coarse language

I’m the black man. You’re so damn dishonest. He said “college.”  

But that’s all you have. You know the b***sh*t that you advocate for only brings death, poverty, and destruction to our black communities. You are welcome on the show anytime to debate it.  

Me and you.

I should note for the record that POLITICO reporter Eugene Daniels, who also shared the clip, ended up doing the right thing and deleting his tweet, pointing to what Fox News said about the segment:

McCaskill, on the other hand, tried to clarify later but still left her original tweet up (as of this writing):


In other words, "fake but accurate" or whatever.

For starters, "this guy" and "the black man" has a name: Lawrence Jones. I personally find it offensive that Democrats have a pattern of not being able to be bothered to learn the names of the black conservatives who they are smearing. 

Reducing people to their race/sex and referring to them simply as "the black guy" or "this guy" (or "that woman") is highly degrading and flies in the face of the Democrat mantra of "respecting diversity and differing viewpoints." It's not a surprise to see them do this, of course, because it's just who they are - but it's worth pointing out for the record.

But beyond that, though Kilmeade did nothing wrong here, Harrison's knee-jerk reaction is just another reminder that the DNC and their media apologists are going to be digging under rocks, behind couches, and everywhere in between to have an excuse to use the race card, and they will not hesitate to use it when it's not warranted (which will be most of the time). 

Message discipline is key here, to quote my colleague Bonchie: "...beating Harris is going to take discipline and a well-planned political assault." Further, she "has a record, and that record must be meticulously and strategically taken apart for every American to see."


Jones shared a similar message about how Republicans should bypass the talk about Kamala "being a DEI hire" and hammer the policy positions she's taken instead:

'Nuff said.

Related-->> WATCH: 'Merciless' New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris' Record Bare Has People Talking


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