WATCH: Tulsi Gabbard Scorches Kamala Harris After Attack on JD Vance's Loyalty to America

AP Photo/Meg Kinnard

As RedState previously reported, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has come back to haunt Kamala Harris in the aftermath of Joe Biden's announcement Sunday that he would withdraw from the presidential race, and his subsequent endorsement of his vice president.


"Don’t be fooled: policies won’t change," Gabbard observed. "Just like Biden wasn’t the one calling the shots, Kamala Harris won’t be either. She is the new figurehead for the deep state and the maidservant of Hillary Clinton, queen of the cabal of warmongers."

Gabbard's pointed remarks came five years almost to the day after her epic 2019 debate performance against then-presidential candidate Harris, a shredding that has been credited in part with destroying Harris' hopes of becoming the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee.

READ MORE: Tulsi Gabbard Comes Back to Haunt Kamala Harris Again, Calls Her the 'Maidservant of Hillary Clinton'

But Gabbard's dunk on Harris over the weekend wasn't her first of the week. In comments not widely reported but which went viral on social media, Gabbard went after Harris amid the Republican National Convention for her attack on Sen. JD Vance, who Donald Trump announced as his running mate last Monday.

Before we get to what Gabbard said and why it is so relevant in the context of Biden's exit from the race and Harris' seeming ascension, let's look at what the veep had to say:


That Harris could assert Vance would be loyal to Trump more so than the U.S. was comical considering she put her loyalty to Joe Biden and her political career ahead of the country for the four years she covered for Biden on the issue of his cognitive health and age.

It's a point that was far more eloquently made by Gabbard, who pointed out that Vance enlisted in the military after 9/11 and put his life on the line unlike Harris, who is "driven by her own political ambition" and who is a "self-serving politician who should not be in office":

Shortly after President Trump announced that JD Vance is gonna be his running mate in this election, Kamala Harris issued this scathing warning to the American people, saying, make no mistake, JD Vance will "be loyal only to Trump, not to our country." 

The audacity that she has to say this is off the charts. She's talking about JD Vance, someone who enlisted in the Marine Corps after the terrorist attack on 9/11. Someone who deployed to Iraq in 2005, the same year that I was there, during the height of that war, putting his own life on the line in service to our country. 

Was Kamala Harris willing to put her own life on the line in service to our country at any time in the past? Is she now? No. Kamala Harris is driven by her own political ambition. She's a self-serving politician who should not be in office.



Though Harris' attack on Vance and Gabbard's response to it all came before news of Biden's exit from the presidential race, it's especially relevant now when one compares and contrasts Kamala Harris' rise to prominence in California politics and afterward on the national stage to Vance's.

Though she did win a Senate seat in 2016, it was won "against weak opposition," an assertion that was made by some of Harris' critics on the left in 2023:

Harris’s critics also question her basic political skills on the national stage. In 2016, she won her Senate seat against weak opposition, they say. In 2019, her presidential run ended before a single ballot was cast, doomed by an uneven performance on the campaign trail, weak support, faltering resources and turmoil among her advisers.

Further, Harris was named as Biden's vice presidential running mate after her failed presidential campaign because he was pressured to pick a woman of color, and she's now the "heir apparent" to the nomination... but only because he chose to bow out.


In other words, Harris has a credibility crisis of her own making when it comes to her political accomplishments, and where she would be had different decisions been made by the people around her.

JD Vance doesn't have that problem. Nor, for that matter, does Donald Trump. So before Kamala Harris goes to question anyone's loyalty to America versus themselves or their running mates again, she might want to take a look in the mirror first.

Related: The 'Biggest Question' Kamala Harris Faces Going Forward That May Very Well Be Her Undoing


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