Chuck Todd Drops Troubling Admission on What a Senior Cabinet Sec. Told Him About Biden Two Years Ago

Katherine Frey/The Washington Post via AP, Pool

With each passing day, you learn something new, something that just reinforces what so many in conservative media and beyond have said about Joe Biden's mental acuity for four years now but were told they were being rude, resorting to gutter politics, and Orange Man Bad so shut up.


Over the last few days alone, we've learned some reporters have to use translation devices to be able to hear Biden when he starts mumbling.  We've also found out that tensions between the Obama-Biden camps have only been made worse since the debate. And Clintonista/ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, who interviewed Biden a week after the debate, blurted out to a TMZ journo that he doesn't think Biden "can serve another four years."

Hollywood, too, has now seemingly (and conveniently) experienced a wake-up call of sorts on Biden.

READ MORE: George Clooney, Who Just Held Fundraiser for Biden, Throws Him Under the Bus in Devastating Op-Ed

It has been the media's continued feigning of shock over Biden's cognitive health, however, that has perhaps been the most fascinating to watch unfold.

For instance, in the immediate aftermath of the June presidential debate, NBC News resident Biden apologist Chuck Todd, formerly of "Meet the Press" infamy, was particularly sour-faced and sullen. He declared that "at the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips [read: cheap fakes] tonight, right, this was - you saw it before your eyes."

Except Chuck Todd, like many in the mainstream media, already knew it wasn't merely a caricature of Biden being drawn by his critics. He was well aware that the Biden we saw on June 27th on that stage was the Biden we've warned about since before he even took office.


And the reason we know Todd knew is because he as much as admitted it on his latest "Toddcast." In it, he confessed that a senior cabinet secretary for Biden said two years ago that he didn't think Biden would be able to run again, and that they had little to no interaction:

“I’m not gonna out the cabinet secretary. But I had a cabinet secretary two years ago, okay- two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘You really think he’s gonna-- he can’t run again like this?’ And I said ‘Well, you have more interaction with him than I do,’ and they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. So, and this was two years ago. This is one of those, you know, it’s the classic open secret, nonversation, right? It’s the story everybody knows and everybody was afraid to talk about.”

Listen to the audio below:

This is a pretty troubling admission to make, not just because it confirms that concerns about Biden's mental acuity had reached senior levels of the Biden White House as far back as two years ago, but also because it's further proof that the press corps - contra to their claims otherwise - have not in fact been "duped" by the White House.

In reality, they were active participants in the cover-up. They knew. They've always known. And the reason they've kept it to themselves, which Todd won't cop to because it makes his profession look even worse, is because they had picked a political side and intently worked to protect it at the expense of the truth.


Yes, Biden's cognitive health and what the debate exposed about the depths of it is an indictment not just of the Biden family (especially Jill) but of Democrats on the whole and how far they've been willing to go to deceive the public. 

But as far as I'm concerned, it's an even bigger indictment of the MSM, whose job it is to hold public officials accountable and cover them thoroughly and honestly, not cover for them.

Editor's Note: This post has been updated for clarity. Stephanopoulos did not call on Biden to bow out of the presidential race.

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