Trump Does What Biden Won't on the Rachel Morin Matter As Her Mother Unloads on Mayorkas

AP Photo/Eric Gay

As we previously reported, the suspect in the August 2023 rape/murder of 37-year-old Maryland mother of five Rachel Morin was arrested Friday night in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


He has been identified as Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, a 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador who is said to have gang ties and a violent history. In addition to allegedly murdering Morin, Martinez-Hernandez also allegedly assaulted a 9-year-old girl and her mother in Los Angeles in March 2023 and allegedly murdered a woman in El Salvador sometime on or before January 2023.

READ MORE: Infuriating New Details on Rachel Morin's Alleged Killer Spell More Trouble for Joe Biden

As we also noted, new details on Martinez-Hernandez regarding his border actions should further outrage Americans, as he "illegally snuck into the US three times in two months [in 2023] and was booted — before apparently eluding agents on his fourth try," according to a New York Post report.

It was that fourth time when he allegedly unleashed himself on society.

Morin's mother Patty appeared on Laura Ingraham's program Wednesday night, and Mrs. Morin had some choice words for the Biden administration - especially impeached Dept. of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas:

Rachel Morin’s mother blasted Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ for referring to her daughter, who was murdered by an illegal migrant, as an “individual” instead of naming her in a Tuesday interview.

“It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter,” Patty Morin told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday night.

“It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object,” said Patty, who also revealed no one from the Biden administration has reached out to her grieving family since her daughter’s alleged killer was arrested.


On the other hand, the Morin family's attorney, Randolph Rice, released a statement Thursday announcing that former President Donald Trump had reached out to express his condolences:

President Donald Trump called Patty Morin, the mother of slain jogger Rachel Morin, in a heartfelt manner to offer his deepest condolences. Rachel Morin was tragically murdered in August 2023 while running on the Ma & Pa trail in Harford County.


Patty Morin expressed her gratitude for the President's call this morning, stating, "I am deeply touched by President Trump's kindness and concern. He was genuine and truly wanted to know how our family was coping. He asked about Rachel and showed honest compassion for her untimely death. His words brought comfort to me during this very difficult time."

Randolph Rice, the family's attorney, also expressed appreciation for the President’s concern and call. "We are thankful for President Trump’s call. Acts like this show the depth of his care for Americans. His concern for Rachel’s family and his willingness to reach out personally was consoling to the family and means a great deal to us all."

In the full statement, which can be read here, Rice also emphasized the need for action, not just words, to stem the flow of illegals.

Once again, as it has been in the Laken Riley case, Trump has taken the lead while the current Oval Office occupant - the purported leader of the free world, or so we've been told - takes actions related to illegal immigrants that in effect potentially could create more victims.


Joe Biden has a new Laken Riley on his hands in the form of Rachel Morin, with both of them being victims of senseless crimes that perhaps wouldn't have happened had we had a president in office who cared more about border security and protecting Americans than pandering to a crucial voting bloc.

Related: New ICE Info Reveals the Disaster the Immigration System Has Become Under Joe Biden


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