'No Go Zone': The Spokane 'Pride' Street Mural Drama Goes From Stupid to Maddening

Pablo Alcala/Lexington Herald-Leader via AP

The media and wokesters in the far-left LGBTQ community (but I repeat myself) have been hyperventilating for roughly two weeks now over the story involving several teenagers who were arrested and charged with felonies for the apparent crime of allegedly leaving scooter tire skidmarks on a Spokane 'Pride' street mural.


As we reported at the time, police were on the scene and arrested the suspects in record time, some 30 minutes after the 911 call was made.

Adding insult to injury for the perpetually outraged, more teenagers were seen on scooters leaving marks on the street mural as a local news report was in progress. The fauxfended reporter below noted in a later tweet that they also left marks on a nearby sidewalk and that he was "not sure it was targeted at the mural, or just general vandalism."

READ MORE: Teens Arrested Over 'Damage' to 'Pride Progress' Street Mural in Washington Because Everything Is Stupid

The update to this story takes the whole ridiculous drama surrounding the incident(s) from stupid to maddening. 

A company called "Lime," which provides the e-scooters, has implemented a trick that forces the scooters to slow down and stop as they hit the rainbow crosswalk, forcing the user to have to hand-walk it over the mural:

Lime, a transportation company which rents electric scooters and bikes to pedestrians, is implementing a “no go zone” around a crosswalk painted with a large Progress Pride flag mural in Spokane, Wash., the company told The National Desk (TND) Friday.


In response to the incident, Lime implemented a “no go zone” over the crosswalk. Lime vehicles “aren’t authorized to travel in no go zones,” which it marks with red shading on its app. Entering a "no go zone" will cause a Lime vehicle to “gradually come to a stop,” according to its website, forcing a rider to walk their scooter until it is outside the zone.


Good grief. 

Not only is this beyond creepy, but it's dumb. I mean it's not going to stop the vandalism (if that's even what this is) from happening. It'll just prompt people to come up with more creative ways to mark up the mural.

I would think that the best way to keep people from putting skidmarks on leftist cult symbols is to maybe not paint them on the street in the first place. I mean, who were the geniuses who came up with the bright idea of painting street murals, anyway? 

Because even if there is no intentional vandalism, they are going to be on the receiving end of the normal wear and tear we typically see on roadways, causing them to have to be cleaned/pressure washed/repainted often.

Let us keep in mind, too, here that if it was some type of MAGA symbolism painted on the street and skidmarks were found on it, the perps would be lauded as Resistance heroes by the same folks decrying the rainbow mural marks, and Kamala Harris would be tweeting out support for their bail fund.


Again, it's all so stupidly maddening, but it's where we are now. 

Related-->> Pride Woes: BMW Finds Out the Hard Way That Virtue Signaling for Virtue Signaling's Sake Is Rather Stupid


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