New: Outrage After Pro-Hamas Activists Commit Disgusting Act on Historic NC State University Belltower

AP Photo/Gerry Broome, File

As RedState readers are well aware, far-left lunacy never takes a day off, not for religious holidays and certainly not for any American holiday that has to do with patriotism and honoring the sacrifices of our servicemen and women past and present.


Monday was, of course, Memorial Day, a day of somber reflection for many Americans. It is also a day where we, unfortunately, are reminded that our supposed intellectual betters on the left are about as clueless as it gets, as confirmed by Squad Reps. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush, who apparently don't know what Memorial Day is actually all about.

READ: Rep. Ilhan Omar Makes Huge Error, Shows She Doesn't Know Meaning of Memorial Day

But just hours after Americans were busy remembering our fallen heroes and enjoying their time with family and friends, here's what pro-Hamas activists were doing at North Carolina State University:

Pro-Palestine protesters vandalized a bell tower on the campus of North Carolina State University early Tuesday morning, a campus spokesperson told The National Desk.

Protesters painted the words “Gaza,” “Rafah” and “Free Palestine" on the school’s Memorial Belltower, according to images circulating social media. The tower was also reportedly covered in red handprints.


The video shows two people dressed in black at the belltower committing vandalism. It starts at around the :42 mark:


What makes this especially infuriating is that the area they desecrated, the base of the structure, is known as the "Shrine Room" - and is where NC State students who lost their lives in World War I are memorialized:

The Memorial Belltower, its cornerstone dating to 1921, was built to honor the sacrifice of NC State alumni who lost their lives to military service in World War I. The Shrine Room, as the space at the tower’s base is known, contains a plaque listing their names. Now one of our campus’s most Hallowed Places, the tower stands as the best-known symbol of our university, a landmark and gateway to campus. It has become a place of reflection as well as celebration, bringing together generations of the Wolfpack in one iconic location.

Here's more:

Although 34 alumni died in the war, the memorial plaque contains 35 names. George L. Jeffers, class of 1913, was wrongly reported killed in action and his name was included by mistake.

When the error was discovered, the university decided to alter the extra name beyond recognition. It was therefore changed to George E. Jefferson, a symbol of unknown soldiers from NC State and elsewhere.


As the news clip above noted, the pro-Hamas propaganda has since been removed, but the shadowy outline of what was painted on the structure remains.

Police are investigating.

Flashback-->> What Leadership Looks Like: UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Is Not Done With Pro-Hamas Agitators


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