WATCH: Frat Dudes Race to the Rescue Again With Hilarious Challenge to Antifa During U-Washington Event

AP Photo/Lindsey Wasson

The "frat dudes" phenomenon has become a thing and we are so here for it.

In moves literally no one predicted, frat dudes have come to America's rescue a number of times over the last several weeks. One of the more noteworthy examples was that of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill fraternity brothers who protected the American flag and kept it from hitting the ground as pro-Hamas campus mobs tried to take it down again and replace it with the Palestinian flag.


READ MORE: Student Group Stands Against UNC-Chapel Hill Pro-Hamas Mob to Protect U.S. Flag in Powerful Moment

We've seen many more examples of this at other higher education institutions like Louisiana State University and the University of Chicago as well, where the agitators proved to be no match for the laid-back but determined frat dudes.

The latest comes courtesy of an incident that took place during a recent Charlie Kirk/TPUSA speaking engagement at the University of Washington.

As RedState's Nick Arama previously reported, Antifa goons showed up early on to do their thing, harassing independent journalists who were trying to document their notoriously violent activities and allegedly starting fights in the process.

In the midst of it all, however, were some frat guys who showed up and immediately challenged the masked Antifa thugs to... a push-up/pull-up contest.

Hilarity ensued.

As per the norm, when confronted, the Antifa guys didn't look nor sound so tough after all:

“Let’s do some push ups!” a crowd member could be heard yelling and clapping.

“Where are you going to do pull-ups at? Go do pull-ups on that tent. Right now, if you do more pull-ups than me — you go first,” the Antifa member teases.

One reported frat member could be seen continuing to challenge the Antifa member, gesturing out his hand to the activist while two other members on his side held out umbrellas. [Journalist Jonathan] Choe could be heard commenting behind the camera as he walked around the group saying, “I never thought I’d see this. Antifa is being challenged by frat boys to do push-ups.”


One of the frat guys even egged them on at one point, saying "I bench 225, you bench... I don't know..."



Sadly, while the frat guys were mocking Antifa and in the process trying to raise a good point, here's how administrators at the University of Washington have responded to Antifa's presence and that of a pro-Hamas campus encampment:

Wash, rinse, repeat. The enablers and coddlers of radical leftist movements just never learn, do they?

Related: What the MSM Would Rather You Not Know About Why the UNC-Chapel Hill 'Peaceful Protesters' Were Arrested



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