Watch: Weather Dude Getting Attacked on Live TV One of Many Wild Video Clips Coming From Hurricane Ida


As we speak, Ida is still hitting the Gulf Coast states hard, in particular Louisiana and Mississippi. While she’s now been downgraded to a tropical storm, she made landfall Sunday as a powerful Category 4 hurricane, inflicting catastrophic damage along her path, knocking out power to millions of people, and literally leaving the city of New Orleans in the dark 16 years after Hurricane Katrina made landfall.


While our thoughts and prayers are with all who have been impacted by this storm and the first responders and various utility crews who will brave the elements and step in to save the day, making America proud as they always do, we’d also like to share with you some pretty wild clips coming out of both states that are quite different from the usual fare we get when these natural disasters take place.

First up, while this one is not “different” from what we typically see from the Weather Channel during extreme weather events, this piece wouldn’t feel right without the obligatory “Jim Cantore walks against the wind” video, complete with overturned dumpster:

Second, we can now thankfully confirm that RedState senior editor Joe Cunningham, a Louisiana resident, is okay thanks to videos that surfaced on social media that showed him doing cartwheels during various Cantore live segments:


And in what was a seriously wild moment, MSNBC correspondent Shaq Brewster was attacked on live TV while reporting from the Mississippi coast:

Fortunately, Brewster and his film crew are okay:

Lastly, here’s Today Show co-host Al Roker literally telling his Twitter critics “screw you” in response to claims that he’s “too old” to be covering hurricanes. Judging by the footage of him out in the middle of the storm, it looks like he’s doing a pretty good job of it:


Maybe coulda done without the “feet in tub” footage, though:

Unless you’re a weather dude/gal or a reporter tasked with covering it, don’t be out in this stuff, please. Stay safe, y’all.

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