Scandal-plagued North Carolina Democrat Senate nominee Cal Cunningham held a Zoom “presser” in the last hour in which he spent 30 minutes talking with constituents about his Republican opponent Sen. Thom Tillis’s alleged “failures” on the COVID relief bill, and only 10 minutes taking questions from reporters.
I say “taking questions from” because he didn’t actually answer any of the questions he was asked about the sexting/affairs scandals from the few reporters who were granted the opportunity to do so. Instead, he repeatedly talked about how he had “apologized for all the hurt I’ve caused” before trying to pivot back to Tillis.
Cunningham, who up until last week was leading in most polls in this closely watched Senate race, continually tried to make this about his opponent instead of himself, which is kinda odd considering it’s Cunningham who is in the hot seat right now. Scratch that. That’s exactly why he tried to make the event about Tillis.
I’m sure the reporters who covered this “presser” knew going in that it was going to be a campaign event disguised as a presser – in fact, the first two who asked questions about the affairs acknowledged in so many words they wished they didn’t have to ask about it (first one literally apologized for asking it!). But you could tell by the end of it that other reporters who really did want to get to the bottom of the story felt used. And as often as I criticize the political media here, they’d be right to feel that way.
Cunningham was directly asked four times if there were more women than the initial woman he acknowledged an extramarital relationship with (Arlene Guzman Todd). He refused to answer each time:
Joe Bruno from WSOC shows how it's done: "With all due respect, you did not answer Brian Murphy's question. Are there more women?" Cal Cunningham does not answer the question, continues to say this is a distraction from pandemic issues. #ncpol #ncsen
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) October 9, 2020
MUST WATCH: Cal refused not ONCE, not TWICE, not THREE TIMES, but FOUR TIMES to answer how many affairs he’s had.
How many mistresses are there, @CalforNC? #NCSen #ncpol pic.twitter.com/rf7I51wbuz
— The Senate Majority (@NRSC) October 9, 2020
Says it all about Cal Cunningham's "presser." #ncpol #ncsen pic.twitter.com/H3c5AkNncY
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) October 9, 2020
Towards the end of the presser, you could tell reporters were getting agitated with his non-responses:
Now @Sharrison_WFAE asks a fourth time. "I've said what I'm going to say about it. I've answered the question" related to his extramarital relations. Dodged question four times #ncpol
— Nick Ochsner (@NickOchsnerWBTV) October 9, 2020
Laura Leslie from WRAL asks the question again and Cal doesn't answer again! He keeps repeating his short apology and then talks about Thom Tillis
— Joe Bruno (@JoeBrunoWSOC9) October 9, 2020
I should note that initially reporters were told they could only submit questions through email, but that changed at some point (presumably due to press complaints). Also, some media outlets were curiously not invited to join in on the call:
Furthermore, per @nsjnews's @mattmercer, North State Journal newspaper (which I write a weekly column for) did not receive an invite to Cal Cunningham's Zoom "presser." This is shades of Gov. Roy Cooper's press stunts. Unacceptable. #ncpol #ncsen
— Sister Toldjah 😁 (@sistertoldjah) October 9, 2020
If Cunningham thinks this “presser” put the issue to bed (no pun intended), he is sorely mistaken:
Asked 4 times whether there are more affairs yet unrevealed, #ncpol Senate candidate Cal Cunningham declined to say. There was probably a version of this presser that started to put this affair(s) in the rearview. The Cunningham campaign did not attempt that version. #NCsen
— Travis Fain (@TravisFain) October 9, 2020
As I said in my prior post, the fact that he won’t acknowledge one way or the other whether there were intimate relationships with the two women he is alleged to have had affairs with while in the middle of his campaign for the U.S. Senate, well – it tells us everything we need to know.
Related –>> Scandal-Plagued Cal Cunningham Finally Appears in Public, Immediately Sticks His Foot in His Mouth
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