Predictably, the first question of the night at the vice presidential debate had barely been uttered before the Usual Suspects started yapping about Vice President Pence’s alleged “sexism!” and “mansplaining!” towards Sen. Kamala Harris.
It was an absurd claim. So much so that even some in the mainstream media pushed back on the insulting and demeaning (to women) comment, with ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz issuing perhaps the most forceful condemnation of the allegation:
“When I hear people talk about mansplaining, and talk about these things with Kamala Harris, and a man shouldn’t interrupt her, and it’s going to look bad,” Raddatz replied. “Kamala Harris is a vice presidential candidate, she should be able to stand up for herself.”
“… a man can interrupt another vice presidential candidate. It is up to that candidate to talk back, to interrupt themselves, or to hold on to that debate in any way they could.”
But while much has been discussed and debated over the last 48 hours or so about Pence’s supposed “sexism” and “mansplaining” (neither of which was actually in evidence Wednesday night), there hasn’t been much talk about the actual sexism that was on display that night — towards Pence.
Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly was among the many to point it out:
Maddow: “Pence tried to steamroll Harris and the moderator and instead he looked (again) flaccid” … N Wallace: “he looked limp and lame.” Steamroll? Limp & lame? Good Lord the hatred is overwhelming.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) October 8, 2020
Nicole Wallace: “VP Pence appeared flaccid.” Omg I’m done.
— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) October 8, 2020
"Vice President Pence appeared flaccid," @NicolleDWallace says of VP Pence's #vpdebate performance. "The only time that he came to life was when he prosecuted Senator Harris for not answering his questions…He had yet, responded in full to a single question from the moderator." pic.twitter.com/FPHbTeTr5X
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) October 8, 2020
Twitter ladies on the left loved the raunchy double entendre from the “professional” and enlightened female commentators at MSNBC:
Flacid, limp and lame @NicolleDWallace on Pence.
The fly was more erect until it decided to fly away.#FlyPenceFly pic.twitter.com/VnaYuW7Tsg
— 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐀 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞 💬 (@ProfessorAMuse) October 8, 2020
You know, I just love the words these ladies are using to describe Pence: LIMP, LAME & FLACID. Folks; those words aren’t being used by accident! Thanks for the laughs @JoyAnnReid , @maddow and @NicolleDWallace ! 🤣 #flacidpence #limppence #lamepence pic.twitter.com/Wdc4uCvzo1
— Cecilia Loya (@moviemaven11) October 8, 2020
Pence keeps looking down at his penis to make sure it’s still there.
— Maria DeCotis (@MariaDeCotis) October 8, 2020
Pence should be grateful, you don’t usually get dommed this hard for free
— Regina Small (@ReginaSmall) October 8, 2020
Pence has a blood shot eye..
How did this happen?
1- Coughing to hard? Covid ?🤔
2- Mother beat him?
3- A penis hit him in the eye?— CJ 🌊 (@CJ_isnowblue) October 8, 2020
pence has major small dick energy
— The Regrettes (@regrettesband) October 8, 2020
While random Twitter comments may be dismissed, that these terms came from two women (Maddow and Wallace) who would have erupted in hysterical fits of outrage had anyone dared used similar terms about Sen. Harris (for example, “Harris at times appeared bouncy on the issues and unable to perform”) says quite a bit about the icky double standards that persist in political discourse when it comes to how the opposite sexes refer to one another.
If it’s not right to make blatantly sexist comments about women in politics, why is it considered acceptable when women do that to men?
Not trying to be the tone police here, but considering we’ve been hit with non-stop hot takes about Mike Pence’s supposed sexism simply because he dared to speak up and not be shushed during a debate that featured a biased moderator, it’s about time a little sanity was injected into the discussion with some real-talk about liberal/Never Trump women who don’t practice what they preach – and continuously get away with it.
Dear Ms. Wallace and Ms. Maddow — if it’s not okay for men to judge women based on their gender, it’s not okay for women to do the same towards men. That includes you.
Related –>> ‘Fly of Color’, ‘Mark of the Devil’: Media Obsess Over VP Debate Fly, Because Everything Is Stupid (Video)
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