My RedState colleague Nick Arama wrote earlier today about how some “journalists” were rushing to act as apologists for embattled Democrat mayors by declaring everything was coming up roses in cities like Portland and Washington, D.C., contra to President Trump’s claims that such cities are “ablaze all the time” thanks to violent BLM/Antifa rioters (the latter of which was, of course, “fact-checked” by Brian Stelter).
Not to be outdone, liberal New York Times columnist Paul Krugman took to the Twitter machine earlier today to make similar declarations, suggesting that complaints about rising crime rates in big Democrat-run cities like New York amounted to needless blathering about a “nonexistent crisis” simply because he was able to go on a morning run in his neighborhood without being accosted by “black-clad anarchists”:
I went for a belated NYC run this morning, and am sorry to report that I saw very few black-clad anarchists. Also, the city is not yet in flames 1/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 2, 2020
The political question of the day is whether Trump can win politically by hammering on a nonexistent crisis of order in America's cities. You would think not, but I'm not 100% confident 2/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 2, 2020
Krugman then referenced an October 2019 Pew Research piece on perceptions of crime in the U.S. as if that had anything whatsoever to do with what the situation on the ground is like now in liberal cities like his where rioting and looting have become the rule and not the exception over the last several months.
Immediately after that lazy and outdated tweet, Krugman demonstrated a complete lack of self-awareness by ranting about how “people live in bubbles” and proclaiming that “claims of urban anarchy are almost entirely fantasy”…
One reason is that people live in bubbles. After 2016 there was endless reporting on how urban types don't understand the lives of guys in diners. But there's equal if not greater absence of comprehension going the other way. 4/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 2, 2020
Anyway, important to realize that claims of urban anarchy are almost entirely fantasy. 8/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) September 2, 2020
… all of which was just a bridge too far for people who are all too familiar with his tiresome “I’m smarter than you poor rubes who read me but you love me anyway” schtick:
"I'm rich, so there are no problems"
— I did not and will not vote for him. Calm down. (@jtLOL) September 2, 2020
The logic: I didn’t personally witness it in my little 3 mile adventure, therefore, it isn’t happening.
— Greg. Yes, that Greg. (@Money_Moose) September 2, 2020
The fucking mayor of Portland is fleeing his own city today.
It amazes me that you think people don’t know this is gaslighting. I mean it truly amazes me.
— Add your name (@corrcomm) September 2, 2020
NYC just surpassed 1000 shootings pre Labor Day, Paul. We don't have to exaggerate our problems, but neither do we need to downplay them.
— Chloé S. Valdary 📚 (@cvaldary) September 2, 2020
NYTimes's @paulkrugman today: "I went for a belated NYC run this morning, and… the city is not yet in flames"@NYTimes in June 2020: "the devastation in Manhattan was unlike anything New York had seen since the blackout of 1977"https://t.co/xY9a6VE1h0https://t.co/gJAXoAoAwc pic.twitter.com/iBzs0Y1rkr
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) September 2, 2020
If a riot takes place, and a privileged NYT journalist in a posh neighborhood doesn't see it, did it really happen? https://t.co/murcmFInvl
— Holden (@Holden114) September 2, 2020
Ladies and gentlemen, the Ostrich of the Week award winner has been found, and his name is Paul Krugman.
(Hat tip: Twitchy)
Flashback –>> Paul Krugman’s Ron DeSantis Bashfest Gets Rudely Interrupted When People Point Out Flaws in His Arguments
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