Naturally and because so many other media figures are in the midst of a full-court press in defending Joe Biden from questions about his cognitive abilities, CNN’s Chris Cuomo had to get in on the act as well during his “Prime Time” program Thursday night.
But in the process of trying to run interference for Biden and attempting to turn the tables on President Trump when it comes to questions on his and Biden’s fitness to lead the country, Cuomo ended up owning… himself.
Here’s how the segment went down, via Nicholas Fondacaro at Newsbusters:
Cuomo proceeded to return fire for Biden and question Trump’s religion and insisted “it is time to take a look at his fortitude.” It was clear that Cuomo was acting as a Biden surrogate because he tried to throw the Trump campaign’s tactic of questioning Biden’s mental state back at them.
Mocking the President for his mispronunciations, Fredo declared: “This man messes up words more than any sober talker I’ve ever heard.” But when Fredo came back around to why Trump botched the COVID response, he inserted his foot into his mouth and invented a new DHS:
I had assumed that he wasn’t doing what was so obvious in this pandemic, what is being told him by the people around him on the Task Force, Health and Human Services, Department of Handland — Homeland Security, people coming to him saying, “rapid testing.”
Yes, this actually happened. His “sober talker” comment is at around the :28 mark of the below video and his “Department of Handland” goof is at around the 4:32 mark.
"Hooked on phonics much?" @ChrisCuomo asks as Pres. Trump's makes a series of verbal blunders even while mocking rival Joe Biden's mental acuity.
"Is there something going on?" asks Cuomo. https://t.co/XPM1ypIy5M pic.twitter.com/q5YtXIgXmM
— Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 7, 2020
The full transcript for Thursday’s program can be read here.
Aside from the segment being karmic for Cuomo, one has to wonder where’s he’s been to think Trump “messes up words” more than any other “sober talker” he knows. Biden’s got so many flubs and gaffes in his political history that even partisan left-wing websites joke about it. Maybe there was a reason behind Cuomo’s use of the word “sober” here – is he insinuating Biden isn’t always sober when he occasionally trips over his words?
Who knows? But one thing we do know is that when it comes to being a Biden apologist, well, let’s just say Chris Cuomo should stick to the things he’s good at. Like bringing oversized Q-tip props to “interviews” he does with his brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo. And staging fake basement emergence videos. Because that’s real journalism, folks. Real journalism.
It’s true! Just ask Chris Cuomo’s ego, which always enters a room before Cuomo himself.
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