To say that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his former Constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe (Harvard) don’t exactly have the most cordial post-law school student/teacher relationship would be quite the understatement. The two have been known to spar over politics and law on occasion, especially since the election of President Trump in 2016.
But as most people with even a passing knowledge of Professor Tribe’s Twitter rantings know by now, the man is consumed by Trump Derangement Syndrome much in the same way Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman are. There’s just no reasoning with them and no getting through.
With hating Trump comes denigrating some of his staunchest defenders, including White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Such was the case earlier today, when Tribe took to the Twitter machine to take a swipe at McEnany over answers she gave to reporters Thursday in response to questions about the Supreme Court’s rulings on Thursday regarding Trump’s tax returns and financial records:
It’s embarrassing that Kayleigh has a Harvard Law degree. https://t.co/zHsLtBTf9D
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) July 10, 2020
According to publisher Simon and Schuster, McEnany “graduated from Harvard Law School with a Juris Doctor and Georgetown University School of Foreign Service with a degree in International Politics.” So, yeah, she’s a smart cookie – not that most people reading this didn’t already know that anyway.
Cruz took issue with Tribe’s disparagement of McEnany’s Harvard accomplishments, and called him out, asking which parts of her argument he disagreed with while at the same time subtly insinuating Tribe was being a bit sexist:
.@tribelaw You were once a good teacher. It’s embarrassing to see you now publicly belittling the intelligence of your young, female former students.
I don’t know Kayleigh, but her answer cited Justice Alito, Justice Kavanaugh & Alexander Hamilton. Which one embarrasses you? https://t.co/vaqHAqPxwo
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 10, 2020
Not surprisingly, Tribe couldn’t answer without flinging an insult at Cruz:
You embarrass me, @tedcruz — no “young female,” though you are my former student. As does Kayleigh’s misappropriation of of Hamilton and Justices like Alito, who agreed with CJ Roberts that Trump’s absolute immunity claim was bogus, a point on which SCOTUS was 9-0. https://t.co/IACRyv766f
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) July 10, 2020
Cruz, however, was not prepared to let him off the hook, and pressed on:
Larry, Trump has broken you.
You used to be able to engage in principled debate—as you & I did in your ConLaw class.
Now, you’re a rich, bitter, angry Leftist. And you wouldn’t have directed that snide condescension at Kayleigh were she not a young, blonde woman. https://t.co/93t5n93XIN
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 10, 2020
2/x And, as you attack Kayleigh, it’s also just obnoxious for a teacher to be insulting his former students. Acting like an angry sixth-grader.
I know your feelings were hurt that multiple Dem Presidents passed you over for SCOTUS, but you could try to show a modicum of class.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 10, 2020
Ouch. That last line is gonna leave a mark.
Earlier this week, CNN media correspondent Oliver Darcy also took a jab at McEnany over her press secretary creds, and got flattened.
While it’s cool that prominent Senators like Cruz will step in to defend her, McEnany has proven in the press briefing room and beyond that she is more than capable of going toe to toe with “reporters” and her other critics on the left.
On Monday, she scolded the media for not asking one question about the deadly shootings that happened over the weekend in Democrat-run cities like Atlanta and New York, one of which left 8-year-old Secoriea Turner dead.
As of this writing, Tribe hasn’t responded back to Cruz’s smackdown, which is probably for the best – for Tribe.
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