As I’ve previously noted, people across the country have become extremely frustrated by the lack of leadership shown in cities and states where historical statues and monuments continue to get vandalized and pulled down by angry leftist mobs while law enforcement officers stand back and watch, and mayors and governors make lame excuses.
There’s also a growing sense of frustration among Republicans, as popular conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson have pointed out again and again, that too few GOP leaders are stepping up to the plate to push back on the leftist destruction, mayhem, and rewriting of history that is taking place in American newsrooms and classrooms as we speak.
Though I share these concerns, my general sense on this is that the tide is slowly turning in the right’s favor on these matters as more Republican leaders like Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), Sen. Tom Cotton (AR), Sen. Tim Scott (SC), Gov. Kristi Noem (SD), and President Trump himself are drawing lines in the sand and telling rage mobs “no more” and “not on my watch.”
But though it’s imperative that our elected leaders rise to the occasion and push back hard on cancel culturalists, so-called social justice warriors, and the woke mafia, it’s also incumbent upon the average American citizen to do their part. As cliché as it may sound, change starts at home, in our backyards, and in our communities and educational institutions.
Change starting in her community is exactly what one science professor on Twitter, who chooses to remain anonymous for understandable reasons, had in mind when she successfully lobbied to stop her department from issuing a “woke statement” on the ongoing civil unrest throughout the country.
The professor detailed how she went about doing it in the Twitter thread below. The discerning reader will note that she did it largely by using the “woke” left’s own tactics against them, something to keep in mind for those who are struggling with how to effectively combat woke dogma in their own workplace or elsewhere:
Here it is: I was successful in killing my dept’s woke statement on recent social unrest. This took several weeks and may have permanently burned some bridges, but I think it’s important. It is a toxic ideology that cannot be given an inch. Here are the lessons I learned.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
I was successful in removing all woke terminology from the statement including anti-racism, white supremacy, white privilege, and claims of systemic racism. Before attempting a similar feat, it’s important to make sure you know what all of these terms really mean.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
The first step to take is to get involved. If your department or company is creating a committee to generate a statement in response to an event, be the first to volunteer. It shows you care. Which you do, and there is no better way to change something than at the beginning.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
Once you’re on these committees you have to act as if you are unaware of the woke agenda. Be respectful, but when they say something dumb, which they will, maintain your composure and ask questions that makes them define EXACTLY what they mean.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
If they claim your dept or organization is racist, ask for specific examples so that you can better fight racism. You can’t fight what you can’t identify. They’ll never produce real examples.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
Stick to enlightenment ideas, reason, and logic. Ask for evidence whenever a claim is made. You will often be accused, as I was, that asking for evidence of bias is proof of white privilege. Simply reject that claim, as I did.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
If you have enough nonwoke people in your dept your questions will be well-received and claims like “everyone in the dept is racist” will be seen as absurd, as they should be. Appeal to the concept of treating everyone equally. This is the foundation of academia, and is in danger
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
In her last tweet on the topic, she emphasized again how success was largely dependent on how many people within a particular department were willing to listen. In instances where there weren’t enough who would, she advised sane folks to “get out now”:
The success of this tact really depends on how many wokinistas you have. If you are outnumbered, I can’t help you. No one can. Get out now. For the rest of you, fight back. Intelligently.
— The Science Femme, Woman in STEM (@piney_the) July 1, 2020
My only quibble with it was in her advising those in academia who were surrounded by uncooperative “wokinistas” to get out. I believe even in those instances one should stand and fight.
In any event, check out the full unrolled thread here. It’s a fascinating read.
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