Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Polk County Democrats Steak Fry, in Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik)
As we learned from the just-released transcript of the Trump/Zelensky July phone call that Democratic allegations of quid pro quo were a big nothingburger, now would be a good time to launch the wayback machine to see how Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden viewed impeachment proceedings when it was President Bill Clinton (D) on the hook.
Video from 1998 shows Pelosi, who recently stated about Trump that “no one is above the law”, talking about how the country would “suffer” because House Republicans were “paralyzed with hatred” for Clinton. “It’s about a punishment searching for a crime that doesn’t exist,” stated Rep. Pelosi at the time. Watch:
Joe Biden, who was a Senator in 1998, also spoke out against impeaching Clinton, insinuating his impeachment was more about politics than than principle:
[The president] is elected directly by the people of the United States of America. And the election of a president is the only nationwide vote the American people will ever cast and that’s a big deal. The American people don’t think that they have made a mistake by electing Bill Clinton and we in Congress had better be very careful before we upset their decision, and make darn sure that we are able convince them if we decide to upset their decision, that our decision to impeach him was based upon principle and not politics.
In an interview with Fox News, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) explained that the rationale for impeaching Clinton was on much more solid footing than what Democrats have brought forth to date against Trump:
The hosts asked former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who led the impeachment proceedings against Clinton, about Pelosi’s remarks. Gingrich said, unlike the current impeachment push against Trump, Ken Starr’s report alleged crimes against Clinton, prompting the House to act.
“In the case of Clinton, he had actually broken the law. He had committed a felony in a case involving sexual predation against an employee. If that happened today, people would be going crazy. That’s not the case here,” said Gingrich, claiming Hunter Biden did a lot of “weird” business deals in Ukraine and China and Trump is within his rights to want that investigated.
As Cocaine Mitch noted earlier this week, impeachment is not a political tool Democrats should attempt to use in order to relitigate elections they’ve lost. Sadly, that’s exactly what they’ve done, both with the Mueller investigation and now this.
By the time Democrats are done crying for impeachment over “offenses” that are not impeachable, the word “impeach” will have lost all meaning – if it hasn’t been lost already.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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