Subcommittee Chairman Ted Cruz, R-TX, speaks as FAA Acting Administrator Daniel Elwell, NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt, and DOT I.G. Calvin Scovel appear before a Senate Transportation subcommittee hearing on commercial airline safety, on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, 3/27/19, in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
As Red State‘s Brandon Morse wrote earlier today, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was besieged at LAX over the weekend by loud protesters who oppose his anti-open borders stance. Cruz remained unfazed, even smiling and laughing as he posed for pictures while the organized mob yelled at him in the background.
That humor carried over into today, when the Senator noticed a news report about how Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) had decided to grow a beard so people would stop confusing him for his twin brother and 2020 presidential candidate Julian:
Reporters were thrown off by the pair at last month’s Democratic presidential debate in Miami, when the brothers entered the media room afterward in similar suits.
And at a candidates’ forum in April, organizers mistakenly used a photo of Joaquin.
Julian took it in stride, saying it was OK because his brother is “better-looking.”
But Joaquin has come up with a solution to the hairy situation: He’s growing a beard.
“I hadn’t shaved in, like, five days, and I thought I’ll just go ahead and grow it, you know?” Joaquin, who reps the San Antonio area, told The Post.
Cruz responded to the report by saying he understood the frequent mix-ups, because he grew a beard to stop being confused with Kevin Malone from “The Office” series:
Same, but Kevin Malone https://t.co/xDSQVfJKm9
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 30, 2019
Twitter users got a big kick out of the quip and responded:
The best gif of all time pic.twitter.com/OOT66LV1T3
— Jessica Fletcher (@heckyessica) July 30, 2019
Here’s the video that .gif came from:
— Cam Edwards (@CamEdwards) July 30, 2019
Of course, there was a Grayson Allen reference:
— Jose Melendez (@JoseMelendezTX) July 30, 2019
And a Zodiac killer reference:
Is that why they still haven’t figured this out? pic.twitter.com/5CWoVNjzs9
— LiterallyTinaFail⚒🇮🇱🇺🇸 (@KristinBoymom) July 30, 2019
Brandon even got in on the fun:
That is fascinating. pic.twitter.com/kOnOjMWmBT
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) July 30, 2019
There have been other instances of Ted Cruz look-alikes written about on the Internet, which you can scroll through here.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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