It all started out with a tweet from failed 2018 Democratic Congressional candidate Brianna Wu (MA), who claimed that conservative writer Matt Walsh was a fake Christian:
Someone has to finally say this. @MattWalshBlog is a Christian the way Trump is a president.
He’s only in it for his own narcissism and anger. He is an embarrassment, uninterested in any norms of civility and decency. And frankly, he does damage to the institution.
— Brianna #blacklivesmatter Wu (@BriannaWu) June 9, 2019
Walsh fired back with what should have been the end of the argument:
An advocate for the genocide of children thinks I'm indecent. I couldn't possibly be happier with that. Thank you, Brianna!
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 9, 2019
But Wu wasn’t done. In her next tweet, she pulled the phony “Jesus was a liberal” card in an effort to one-up Walsh:
Pssst! Reasonable people of faith can agree or disagree on abortion. Pass it along.
The thrust of the Bible is about social justice, and I think you should read it.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) June 9, 2019
A number of conservatives took after Wu over her claims, including commentator Allie Beth Stuckey. But Wu was insistent that Jesus Christ was a socialist:
Also, @BriannaWu, if you honestly think the “thrust of the Bible” is social justice, you’ve missed its point absolutely and entirely.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) June 9, 2019
No, it’s not. The Bible is about a holy God choosing to save sinners from his wrath by sending his Son, Jesus. Does God show us what his earthly justice should look like? Yes. But the keystone of Scripture is Christ. Nothing else.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) June 9, 2019
Right, and the overwhelming message of Christ is about social justice.
Have you ever read Acts? It’s practically a socialist track. It’s full of God’s commands for the rich to give their wealth to the poor and to take care of the sick.
Check it out, will change how you vote!
— Brianna #blacklivesmatter Wu (@BriannaWu) June 9, 2019
This back and forth caught the attention of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX-2), who stepped in to correct Wu on her Biblical fallacies:
This comment confuses Christ’s teachings on personal charity with socialist collectivism.
A good Christian shows generosity by giving to charities directly, volunteering, and tithing.
A “democratic socialist” signals their morality by demanding others share their wealth.
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 9, 2019
Wu’s response to Crenshaw was a glorious example of a self-own, as she backed down from her insinuation that Christ was a socialist and instead suggested that the Bible “says very little, if anything” on how the giving is done:
Dan, thank you for your service. But, the Bible says very little, if anything regarding the method by which these things are done. Could be government or not.
If you listen to Jesus, he said a lot about our responsibility for one another. That’s what Christians should focus on.
— Brianna Wu (@BriannaWu) June 9, 2019
“Kyle”, a self-described atheist, summed up Stuckey’s and Crenshaw’s claims nicely:
Dan and Allie and even that nitwit Walsh are right about you’re misrepresentation. The Bible promotes individuality. Individual choice. It wants people to choose to be charitable.
As an atheist, I read the Bible in the same way that the people you’ve debated today have.
— Kyle (@RockNRoll1822) June 9, 2019
Game, set, match.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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