As he’s demonstrated in the past, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX-2) is unafraid to take on the Democratic party’s far left wing, whether it be in liberal dens like “The View”, during House Committee hearings, or on social media.
The latest examples of this from Crenshaw are his tweets countering claims from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), one of the 20+ Democratic candidates running for president. Even though Warren was one of the first candidates to declare her intentions to run, her poll numbers have consistently lagged. As a result, she’s moved even further to the left over the last few months in a desperate attempt to win over primary voters.
Over the weekend, Warren appeared at the California Democratic Convention and made a speech that took veiled shots at Democratic front runner Joe Biden. Here’s what she said:
Here’s the thing: When a candidate tells you about all the things that aren’t possible, about how political calculations come first, they’re telling you something very important. They’re telling you that they will not fight for you. Not me. I’m here to fight for our country. pic.twitter.com/SZBBUkfomi
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) June 2, 2019
Crenshaw, in turn, responded with some truth balm:
Another thing: when candidates promise voters that they’ll solve all their problems, it’s a lie, & it causes resentment.
It’s buying votes with false promises.
We’re free to pursue our own happiness. This doesn’t include giving our hard-earned money to your big gov programs. https://t.co/4afzRLKOMt
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 2, 2019
A little over a week ago, Warren boasted on Twitter about signing the “No Fossil Fuel Money” pledge:
I’m proud to have signed the #NoFossilFuelMoney pledge. Our campaign isn’t beholden to Big Oil or any corporate interest—our campaign is by the people and for the people. https://t.co/4sQ0XdNxuQ
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) May 24, 2019
Crenshaw called out her hypocrisy and virtue signaling:
Is that so? But I’m assuming your campaign is happy to drive cars, travel in airplanes, use electricity and air conditioning, or use ANYTHING plastic? You know, all those fossil fuel and petrochemical industry products?
Stop trying to fool people with virtue signaling. https://t.co/nLXiDszkR9
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) May 25, 2019
In mid-May, Warren announced she would not do town hall debates on Fox News, citing an alleged “hate for profit” business model:
I won’t do a town hall with Fox News because I won’t invite millions of Democratic primary voters to tune in, inflate ratings, and help sell ads for an outlet that profits from racism and hate. If you agree, sign our petition. https://t.co/zAyBN7i8Jf
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) May 14, 2019
Reading between the lines, Crenshaw zeroed in on what the real issue was – and let her know it:
Why do you have such contempt for half of America?
Labeling and insulting the other side as full of “racism and hate” is a cheap attempt to undermine ideas so that you don’t have to actually confront them. It is an intellectually void strategy. https://t.co/3Lubg4dEH4
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) May 15, 2019
I should note for the record that Crenshaw has also tackled claims made by 2020 candidate and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over the last couple of months:
Maybe you could start by supporting POTUS request for $4.5 B in humanitarian aid, to include more facilities?
Maybe you could support @LindseyGrahamSC bill to reform asylum process?
Maybe you won’t support actual solutions because you prefer to virtue signal about the crisis? https://t.co/tZk3nEwnA5
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) June 1, 2019
Maybe because my generation realizes Sanders’ policies are a false promise backed by impossible federal spending levels… 🤔
Can’t buy off young people with “free” everything. We know better. https://t.co/b423mxLUWf
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) May 14, 2019
Turns out that our free market economy – unburdened of excessive taxes and regulations – creates MORE jobs than we have unemployed people, AND incredible wage growth at 3.2%.
Stop trying to convince people they need government to save them. https://t.co/ozYYCYklmn
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) April 22, 2019
But his countering of Warren’s narratives is especially noteworthy because they come at a time when Democratic women are trying to silence criticisms from Republican men by playing the “incitement” and “women of color” cards.
Crenshaw continues to show that he will not be intimidated, which is only fitting when you consider that he put his life on the line to protect the right for American citizens like Warren and Sanders to make bogus, hypocritical, and self-serving political claims.
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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