Earlier today, the NRA’s Twitter account tweeted a short video that featured Kimberly Corban, a rape survivor who told the story of her horrific assault and how she would never allow herself to be victimized again:
"I'm a mother of two, and if a predator or anyone else tries to harm me or my family, they have to come through my firearm first." —Kim Corban #WednesdayWisdom pic.twitter.com/c2tWBeOi18
— NRATV (@NRATV) May 29, 2019
Corban has also detailed her story on her website:
Kimberly Corban grew up in Greeley, Colorado and still has the pleasure of calling the Rocky Mountain state home. In May of 2006, Kimberly’s life was irrevocably changed when a stranger broke into her college-area apartment, held her there for two hours, and raped her. She immediately reported the crime to authorities and served as the key witness in her attacker’s trial, successfully garnering a sexual assault conviction.
CNN‘s resident blowhard Chris Cuomo seemed to take issue with the video of Corban that the NRA posted, as Fox News reports:
The video showed Kimberly Corban, an armed mother who acquired firearms after her rape in college. “I’m a mother of two, and if that predator or anyone else tries to harm me or my family, they have to come through my firearm first,” she said, before praising the NRA’s efforts to protect gun rights.
When Cuomo tweeted the video, he posted a comment suggesting that Corban’s story was unique to the United States. “Only in America,” he tweeted.
Only in America https://t.co/rPfsxGU8Gh
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
In response, Meghan McCain flattened him:
Kim Corban is a rape survivor who is now choosing to tell her story & arm and protect herself. I think a real question is why so many men in the media always treat conservative women like our values, life experiences and perspective is some kind of joke. Like we are valued less. https://t.co/ky9QImMOeI
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) May 29, 2019
Fox News‘s senior meteorologist Janice Dean also weighed in:
You might want explain this tweet a little better to those of us who’ve actually had to face predators in our own homes and defend ourselves without a big strong man like yourself?
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) May 29, 2019
Corban herself even suggested Cuomo have her on his show to discuss the issue:
Hi @ChrisCuomo. Looks like you forgot to tag me. Care to chat about this?
— Kimberly Corban (@Kimberly_Corban) May 29, 2019
Only in America would a @CNNPR host quote tweet a woman's story of her rape with "Only in America" .
— Rob Eno (@Robeno) May 29, 2019
Cuomo later responded to McCain, Dean and other critics by saying he was misinterpreted:
Read what I tweeted. You have my intentions wrong. A survivor story and the right to bear arms is not where we are stuck…We can’t get past this deadlock on all or none to make reasonable changes to help reduce deadly violence. Happy to talk if you have more questions https://t.co/y0VIsW4VYC
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
You know I didn’t mean that. I am a gun owner. Thus I see a legit right to bear and that is clear in law. Why pretend I am some heartless hater? I expanded what I said and there is no reason to twist it here. I know that’s what Twitter is but it solves nothing https://t.co/px17cI5Qvr
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
1/2 You are right. No offense intended. Too short on twitter. “Only in America” are we still debating the legitimate right to protect oneself like you and many others vs sensible way to keep guns from wrong people. Only here can we not address the issues around school shootings https://t.co/74s8RxcHgo
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
2/2 in a way that respects the ill and also people who get guns legally (as I did) and use responsibly (as I). We are stuck with good people having to beg to keep a right and not getting done what is right for federal reasonable restrictions and mental health reform https://t.co/74s8RxcHgo
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
I am sorry for confusion. I take the issue and the stories of violence seriously. Muscles don’t stop bullets, as you know. Again, I have always been clear about the right to own and what needs to be improved. Apologize if you were misled. https://t.co/74s8RxcHgo
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
Who out there is buying what he’s selling on this? I’m in Charles’s camp:
Every time you wander into this area you fall ass-first down a ravine.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) May 29, 2019
And NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch isn’t buying it, either:
How can we have serious discussion though, @ChrisCuomo , when law-abiding people are referred to as murderers? When people who have protected themselves from threats, or wish they could have, are mocked? When wanting to uphold a natural right is described as “begging?”
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 29, 2019
—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–
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