I am blatantly taking this information from a Twitter-fest posted by a young man under the Twitter name Leonydus Johnson. If that is really his name, that is a cool name.
I have had this same idea many times, but each time ended with the thought “Nah, too much effort required.” Fortunately for me – and all of you reading this — Leonydus saw the value in such work. I applaud him for it, and I hope he finds more followers as a result of this article. He’s a quality “follow” — he’s got more followers than I do now.
I making use of his work here because the platform gives me more opportunity to expound that Twitter did for him. So, let me introduce his work in the same manner he introduced it:
Time for a thread.
I'm tired of insufferable circus clowns who are unable (read: unwilling) to research for themselves. So, I will do it for them.
December 2019:
Matthew Krupar was shot and killed by police in League City, TX while he was assaulting an officer. He was unarmed. pic.twitter.com/IRsey5Zq8Y— Leonydus Johnson (@LeonydusJohnson) August 28, 2020
12/19: Police officers were called to a residence to deal with a family disturbance call. When the first officer arrived, he was speaking to a woman who had made the call. While doing so, a man identified as Matthew Krupar came out of the house and assaulted the officer. During the fight, the officer pulled his gun and shot Krupar. The man was taken to an area hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. The officer was also injured in the incident. Krupar had a criminal history involving drug and alcohol offenses.
11/19: Robert Sikon, Carrolton, Ohio. White male, unarmed. Sikon’s girlfriend was pulled over by police. The ordered Sikon out of the car with guns drawn. While Sikon was being handcuffed, a scuffle broke out. Sikon was warned by the officer that he was “going to kill” him if Sikon didn’t quit resisting. When Sikon broke free he prepared to run, and the officer told him to stop or he would kill him. When Sikon ran the officer followed a short distance and then fired 8 shots, killing Sikon. The car stop was made for the purpose of arresting Sikon who had an outstanding warrant — for unpaid child support payments. The officer who shot him was later indicted.
10/19: Cameron Ely, Santa Barbara Calif. White male, unarmed. Son of TV Tarzan Ron Ely. Ely had stabbed his mother to death and called police to blame his father for having done so. When police arrived Ron Ely identified his son as the person who killed his wife, and that he was outside somewhere. Police searching the property found Cameron, who told them he had a gun. When the then adopted a shooting stance and posed like he had a gun, he was shot 24 times by police.
9/19: Dewayne Morgan, Gregg County, Texas. White male, unarmed. Police responded to a call from a resident about someone attempting to break into his house. When the officer arrived he made contact with the resident. After a couple of minutes Morgan walked up and identified himself as the person who was trying to break in. Morgan then took off running. The officer chased Morgan some distance, even crossing an interstate highway, and then killed Morgan in a field during a “violent altercation.” The Officer was treated for injuries. Morgan had a lengthy criminal history involving violent crimes.
8/19: David Ingle, Joplin, Mo. White male, unarmed. Officers responded to a call of a suspicious person. Ingle immediately became combative upon coming into contact with the officers. The officers used tasers but they were ineffective. Ingle then charged at the officers, who shot and killed him. Ingle had a history of mental illness and had been arrested and charged 31 times.
5/19: Luke Patterson, Montgomery NY. White male, unarmed. Patterson was walking along the side of a road at 2:00 am when officers tried to detain him. Patterson continued to walk while one officer attempted to engage him in conversation while walking close by, and another officer drove alongside him. Patterson refused to comply with the officer’s instructions. Patterson then attempted to gain entry into the patrol car and was shot by the officer walking along with him.
5/19: Ethan Murray, Spokane, WA. White male, unarmed. Police responded to a report that Murray was threatening children. Police spotted Murray, shirtless, running in an area near where children were playing, and witnesses reported he was “high.” Police chased Murray and when confronted, Murray refused to follow their directions. Murray yelled at the officers, and then placed his hand in his pocket and pulled out an object the officer mistook for a knife, leading the officer to shoot and kill Murray. Murray had pulled out a pair of sunglasses. Murray had a history of meth addiction, and suffered from meth psychosis.
4/19: Thomas Verile, Kalamazoo, MI. White male, unarmed. Verile was wanted for numerous parole violations from earlier convictions and was under surveillance by law enforcement for purposes of arresting him. Realizing he was being pursued, Verile almost ran over two detectives. Verile then fled to his house and hid in his basement. Officers shot 13 times and killed him when he claimed he had a firearm, refused to show his hands, told the officers he would kill them and then himself, and made an aggressive move forward in their direction.
Leonydus has 10 more examples, all in 2019, two of whom were women. All were white, all were unarmed, and all of whom were killed by police action. He has photos of almost every person killed.
The point is not that the police use of deadly force was justified in each instance — in some it was not.
The point is that police use of deadly force is situational and rarely “racist.” Plenty of white people die at the hands of police officers every year — justified and unjustified — but no one burns down buildings, loots businesses, and attacks the police over it.
The cries of “racism” are just a rallying cry of a social cause unrelated to police activity. It’s always been about identity politics — the advocates have simply found a reservoir of “white guilt” that allows them to co-opt educated middle class liberal white voters.
GENERALLY, the way to avoid harm in an encounter with the police is to pass the “attitude” test. Be polite, be respectful, answer the questions, be patient — and don’t have a freeking outstanding warrant for your arrest.
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