UPDATE: Rioter shot.
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) August 26, 2020
Unconfirmed Twitter report of 3 shot total.
There are unconfirmed reports at this hour of gunshots tonight during the rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
As I said yesterday, Wisconsin is an “open carry” state where it is lawful to carry a loaded firearm — long-gun or handgun — so long as it is visible. A permit is only required to carry a “concealed” weapon.
Tonight in Kenosha, there are a lot of “open carry” weapons on hand.
Various reports claim the armed individuals are:
- Out of town “militia” there to confront rioters and protect private property.
- Individuals who wish to protect protesters from police.
- Right-wing antagonists of Antifa/BLM simply looking for an opportunity for a confrontation.
- Local resident’s intent on preventing a second night of rampant destruction in Kenosha.
At this point it appears that most of the protesting/rioting on Tuesday night is confined to the area around the Kenosha Courty Courthouse. Earlier in the day a metal fence was erected around the courthouse similar to the one surrounding the federal courthouse in Portland. The presence of the new fence seems to have attracted most of the protect activity, benefitted by a large public park across the street.
Live gunshots in #KenoshaProtests #Kenosha pic.twitter.com/dyXNFeYIC9
— Protest, USA (@fascistanista) August 26, 2020
The caption here by experienced videographer Elijah Schaffer suggests militia are there to “protect” the rioters, but that seems like misinformation. More likely the right-wing group is simply using a tactic to close quarters with the rioters without police intervention.
KENOSHA: boogaloo boy type militia comes to “protect” the BLM rioters. It’s getting weird pic.twitter.com/NdcYhRZoUE
— ELIJAH RIOT (@ElijahSchaffer) August 26, 2020
In the bottom video here the tension seems to be building as protesters and armed individuals are mixing more. Most of the police presence seems to be in another location, as there are no uniforms in sight here. If this boils over into some form of armed confrontation, it seems unlikely that police will play any meaningful role except in the aftermath.
Militia and crowd getting into some confrontations #Kenosha pic.twitter.com/dQkAZ618af
— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) August 26, 2020
More confrontations between rioters and armed citizens. pic.twitter.com/sAVe1G9xEc
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) August 26, 2020
This is how bad things get started. How careless with a long gun can this guy be before someone sees him as a threat and acts to defend themselves.
I don’t entirely know what’s going on but this one guy in particular with a gun looks very jumpy and I feel like that’s not a good combo? Other people are reminding him about “muzzle control” pic.twitter.com/86qAsRrs4i
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) August 26, 2020
A few people with guns just arrived. They’re now strategizing with some people in the crowd about formations. One just said, “we’ll shoot our way out if we have to.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” someone responded. pic.twitter.com/XRlLnYLXyE
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) August 26, 2020
The armed individuals on the roof of the business say they are protecting it. #Kenoshapic.twitter.com/geVA3tktXW
— Crisis Intel 🚨 (@Crisis_Intel) August 26, 2020
Militia guarding a business in Kenosha.
It's happening!!!!pic.twitter.com/bcXzviDDBk
— Rosie's SCOTUS Vacancy (@DarnelSugarfoo) August 26, 2020
Multiple armed men are on the roof of one of the car lots that was burned in Kenosha, WI: pic.twitter.com/J0Bw4HFNUL
— Shelby Talcott (@ShelbyTalcott) August 26, 2020
This you would call industrial strength stupid. The rioter on the ground is throwing rocks at the business owner(s) on the roof — when the business owners have rifles with laser scopes.
Local businesses owners on rooftops armed with laser pointed rifles are being attacked by rioters with stones
Not an even match, but then again what kind of rioter uses logic anyway these days?#Kenosha pic.twitter.com/9upSzYctWr
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) August 26, 2020
As a side note, on the Kenosha hashtag you can find several twitter messages from people claiming to be Wisconsin residents who have been lifelong Democrats but will vote for Trump in November. Trump carried Kenosha County by only 250 votes out of 70,000 cast in 2016.
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