Results for: trump

Newt Gingrich: Hillary Isn't Beating Trump - Trump is Beating Trump
Trump is, after all, the man who claims he’s never asked God for forgiveness, because he hasn’t done anything to require forgiveness … He can get himself to the top of the mountain, but to do that he has to be willing to make real change,” Gingrich, a Trump supporter … Gingrich, once thought to be a likely VP pick for Trump, has been making small mewlings of protest in the media, lately, regarding…
Trump Threatens to Reopen Trump University
– Given the testimony from numerous prior employees and thousands of Trump University customers that Trump University was a total scam … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 2, 2016 I am betting Trump wishes he had run for President years ago. … Note: the reason he calls it Trump U(?)…
Donald Trump: "Leave Donald Trump Alone!"
– On two different occasions, the RNC has acted to remove debate media partners who had written pieces that were critical of Trump. … Sean Hannity has basically become the official spokesman of the Trump campaign. … But the party has no legal authority to bar Trump from a third-party run.…
Nighttime Trump vs. Daytime Trump: Healthcare Edition
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2017 For people looking to this president for guidance, this can be a bit confusing. … Does President Trump want Congress to repeal Obamacare now, or does he want Obamacare to continue to collapse on itself?…
What Trump Says vs. What Trump Does
Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2017 There is, of course, zero self-reflection there. … Bob Corker’s slamming of Trump as ridiculously dishonest, whatever you think of Corker, is on the mark. … The anti-anti-Trumpers love to ask: so, is Trump better than Hillary?…
Team Cruz Makes It Trump against Trump
– Team Cruz is doing a masterful job of using Trump’s own words against Trump. … Russert did with Trump on Meet the Press, which the Trump campaign released two days ago. … It’s fun listening to Trump vs. Trump. Hopefully, it has the effect of working against Trump.…
Donald Trump is a Trump University Professor
– This is pretty much exactly the pitch Trump uses for his campaign speeches. … Some slick (but nonsensical) doubletalk is offered as to how we wouldn’t be losing to China under Trump. … he did to the Trump University students.…
Trump Change
– complaints that New Mexico’s Republican governor, Susana Martinez, was ‘not nice’ in her comments” about Trump. … After all Trump has said that President Trump will be different than Candidate Trump. … Marco Rubio says Trump shouldn’t change his campaign style because it is who Trump is and it is successful…
Trump Rebounds
– The new Zogby Analytics poll shows Trump with a 45 percent approval rating, driven by big gains among Hispanics, union households and … Trump saw one the biggest improvements among Hispanics — his approval increased 11% to 42% approval versus 55% disapproval. … A week ago, only 39% approved of the job Trump is doing.…
Trump Unchained
Trump has Obama holdovers in the National Security Council “reassigned.” … Trump fingers Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson. Trump attacks the “Mueller prosecutors” in a tweet storm. … Meanwhile, President Trump is on the offensive.…
Rescheduling Trump
– Unfortunately, I’ve just been informed that Donald Trump needs to reschedule our one on one interview.…
Trump Triumphant
– The nine candidates who will be on stage with Trump still have not figured out how to deal with Trump. … Trump alone can sabotage Trump on Thursday. He might do that. He might not show a grasp of issues. … You may not like Donald Trump, but Trump is on a debate stage on Thursday and you and I are not.…
Misunderestimating Trump
– And then there was Trump, who didn’t have a prayer. Presidential primary candidate Trump did not appeal to me. … And yes, I actually thought Trump would win: Trump will defeat Hillary, just as he defeated the 16 Republicans. … I’m not saying our criticism of Trump was wrong.…
Presidential Trump Is Gone: Unhinged Trump Is Back Claiming Trump Tower Was Wiretapped
– So here is what President Trump tweeted: Terrible! … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017 Putting aside Trump’s goofy accusations that Obama tapped his phones in Trump Tower (the … Then again, it’s Donald Trump.  …
Trump Wants to Thank Trump for All the Good Work Trump Is Doing
Trump vodka, Trump steaks, Trump University, Trump Magazine (lasted a year before publication ended), Trump casinos, Trump Airlines … To be honest, I have no problem with Trump touting a strong market and/or job creation. … “There is no Constitution… Only Trump!” Then there are the specialty responses: “Trump is God’s man!” “Deep state!”…
Trump Struggles to Stall Trump University Trial Quagmire
– his Trump University real-estate program. … Both suits claim the Trump University program used deceptive marketing with claims that Trump hand-picked the instructors but that … The Trump University fraud allegations have shadowed Trump as fellow GOP candidates use the Trump University fraud claims to attack…
Cruz on Trump Reaping What Trump Has Sown
– Protestors march in Chicago on Friday, March 11, 2016, before a rally with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the University … (AP Photo/Matt Marton) Last night the news was all about Donald Trump canceling a yuge campaign rally amid fierce confrontations between … Trump supporters and Trump protesters as thousands protested outside the University of Illinois’ Chicago Pavilion arena Friday and…
Trump Advisor: Don't Believe the Things Trump Says
– Donald Trump gave an absolutely insane interview with the Washington Post editorial board this week and then followed that up with … Walid Phares, a Donald Trump foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump, says that we should not really worry about these things. … is only talking about torturing terrorists because “we are in a political season” and doesn’t believe a Trump administration would…
Trump Supporters Already Pre-Spinning November Trump Loss
– reporter Michelle Fields after she was manhandled by then-Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. … voting for Trump is stupid). … It can’t, in short, be that people don’t want to vote for Trump for President because they think Trump would be a terrible president…
Americans Like the Trump Agenda More than Trump
– This explains why congressional candidates who have tried to run like Trump, in terms of presentation, have not fared well in their … If President Trump wishes to enact his robust agenda for America, he must start by acting a little more like the Vice-President in … Trump is the president now; he is not a wild card candidate anymore.…
Trump Attorney: Yeah, Trump Could Fire Robert Mueller
– What is President Trump going to do? Have Mueller over for an intimate dinner and ask Mueller about loyalty? … Trump’s PR person and telling the public Trump wasn’t personally under investigation by the FBI. … What’s to stop Trump from firing Mueller if he doesn’t like how things are going?  …
Trump Is Dismissing the Idea of Trump TV
– Rumors have been floating around about a “Trump TV” enterprise by the Republican nominee. … “No, I have no interest in Trump TV,” Trump said during the interview. “I hear it all over the place. … Furthermore, this is Trump talking, and what he plans to do changes from one moment to the next.…
New Trump Hotels to Dump the Trump Name
– “We wanted a name that would be a nod to the Trump family and to the tremendous success it has had with its businesses, including Trump … Millenials don’t like Donald Trump? You don’t say! … The company has experienced genuine difficulty since Trump announced his presidential bid: Nightly rates at the newly-opened Trump
Trump and Trump Foundation = Clinton and Clinton Foundation
Trump Foundation, and how the charitable organization belonging to our president-elect had been caught giving an illegal $25,000 campaign … At the time, Bondi was considering whether-or-not her office would pursue a fraud investigation of Trump University, but after the … donation, she decided not to pursue charges, and would go on to endorse Trump for president.…
BREAKING. Trump Decides To Shutter the Trump Foundation
– According to news reports, Donald Trump will liquidate the Donald Trump foundation ahead of his January 20 inauguration. … One wonders what he thought he was gaining from keeping this issue alive for his opponents, but Trump’s gonna Trump. … If, as is reported, this “charitable” foundation is wound down it would be an encouraging sign that Trump has finally come to grips…