Results for: london breed
Remembering Rush Limbaugh's 'First Thanksgiving' Story You Didn't Learn in School
But their merchant sponsors in London and Holland required that the Pilgrims agree that everything they produced went into a common … He wrote in his diary:“[T]his community was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have … They sold things to them, and that allowed the Pilgrims to pay off their debts to the London and Holland merchants.…
Bill Maher Hilariously Eviscerates the Bratty Left Over the Election
ultra-liberal San Francisco they had enough of "homelessness, public drug use, and defecating in the streets," voting out Mayor London … Breed. … "And now London Breed's pronouns are She/Gone." Were the Democrats looking in the mirror to figure out why they lost?…
MIRACLE: Shot That Hit 49ers Star Ricky Pearsall During Robbery Missed Vital Organs, Exited His Back…ing-robbery-missed-vital-organs-exited-out-his-back-n2178807…ing-robbery-missed-vital-organs-exited-out-his-back-n2178807
If this happened in Florida or Texas, he would’ve been virtue signaling for 15 straight hours now.SF Mayor London Breed made a tone-deaf … statement about the shooting, pretending that violence is rare in the crime-riddled city:Mayor London Breed described the incident…
Bass Goes Fishing: LA Mayor Wants Credit for FBI Crime Tourism Bust When It's Her Policies to Blame…ime-tourism-bust-when-progressive-policies-to-blame-n2178665…ime-tourism-bust-when-progressive-policies-to-blame-n2178665
only wall she’s ever really supported was the one that protected the DNC in Chicago earlier this month.Even San Francisco Mayor London … Breed is tougher on crime than Bass:Breed, 49, has backed a tough-on-crime statewide ballot initiative that Bass, 70, does not support…
San Francisco Mayoral Candidates Get Into Woke-Off to Determine Who Loves the LGBTQ Community the Most…to-determine-who-loves-the-lgbtq-community-the-most-n2175733…to-determine-who-loves-the-lgbtq-community-the-most-n2175733
The contest involved the candidates competing for who could virtue signal the hardest for the LGBTQ community.San Francisco Mayor London … Breed got into the “Who Loves LGBTQ the Most” competition with one of her opponents, Mark Farrell." … I’d like to ask Mark a question," Breed began saying.…
NOPE! To Kick Off Pride Month, CA Sen. Scott Wiener Claims California's Kids Are 'Our Kids'…rant-claims-these-are-our-kids-read-the-room-buddy-n2175073…rant-claims-these-are-our-kids-read-the-room-buddy-n2175073
Clapping 🦭 London Breed is the Mayor of San Francisco but is applauding this crap!? Nope.…
San Francisco Spends Millions on Free Alcohol for Homeless Individuals, Igniting Controversy…cohol-for-homeless-individuals-igniting-controversy-n2174094…cohol-for-homeless-individuals-igniting-controversy-n2174094
.🧵— Adam Nathan • (@adampnathan) May 8, 2024Even progressive Mayor London Breed has expressed skepticism about the program…
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Plays 'Hide the Illegals' Ahead of DNC, Outraged Residents Have Other Ideas…the-dnc-outraged-chicago-residents-have-other-ideas-n2173841…the-dnc-outraged-chicago-residents-have-other-ideas-n2173841
Gavin Newsom, in partnership with San Francisco Mayor London Breed, admit in November to hiding the city's homeless and cleaning up…
As Chicago Spending on Illegal Aliens Nears $300 Million, Criticism of Mayor Brandon Johnson Explodes…ens-nears-300-million-criticism-of-johnson-explodes-n2172459…ens-nears-300-million-criticism-of-johnson-explodes-n2172459
Even worse for Johnson, along with Adams in NYC, London Breed in San Francisco, Karen Bass in Los Angeles, and a host of other…
California, National Democrats and Progressive Policies: Is the Backlash Beginning?…and-progressive-policies-is-the-backlash-beginning-n2172467…and-progressive-policies-is-the-backlash-beginning-n2172467
idea could resonate with California’s overwhelmingly Democratic electorate, they have won endorsements from San Francisco Mayor London … Breed and San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, both Democrats.It's important to note that San Francisco and San Jose are two towns that have…
Shiver Me Timbers! Pirate Bay is Finally Living Up To Its Name
Seafaring Californians’ vessels are being boarded and plundered at a shocking rate by a fearsome new breed of pirates. … Damon Taylor, who docks his sailboat at the Jack London Aquatic Center, told CBS outboard motors carry a hefty price— a small 10-horsepower…
It's Entirely Possible That Gavin Newsom Will Appoint Kamala Harris to Replace Dianne Feinstein…re-some-potential-replacements-for-dianne-feinstein-n2164454…re-some-potential-replacements-for-dianne-feinstein-n2164454
London Breed Wouldn't it just be so meaningful for Newsom to appoint another female Mayor of San Francisco to the seat formerly occupied … Breed has pivoted slightly to the right since her election for two reasons: she couldn't go further left, and her constituents could…
Theresa May's "We've Hit Rock Bottom on Terrorism" Speech (VIDEO)
Second, we cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. … You’ll see police barge into a pub near London Bridge, shouting at customers to get on the ground. At the 37 second…
SFO Public Works Director, a/k/a "Mr. Clean," Arrested by FBI on Corruption Charges…r-aka-mr-clean-arrested-by-fbi-on-corruption-charges-n126846…r-aka-mr-clean-arrested-by-fbi-on-corruption-charges-n126846
Mayor London Breed tweeted that Nuru had been placed on unpaid leave as of Monday. … James Bryant, Mission Local explains, is tightly connected to former Mayor Willie Brown and current Mayor London Breed.…
San Francisco Board 'Sanitizes' Language For Criminals; Hopes To Change Views About How 'Justice-Involved' People Are Perceived…hope-change-views-justice-involved-people-perceived-n113700…hope-change-views-justice-involved-people-perceived-n113700
This new language has been endorsed by the city’s district attorney, and awaits the endorsement of the Mayor, London Breed.…
The Left Decide They Are Against Environmentalism Because Orange Man Bad
London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco, hit back at Trump over his remarks, arguing the city was doing its part to try and address … clean air and clean water standards, restricting our ability to regulate car emissions, and denying climate change even exists,” Breed…
Surrender: City of San Francisco Suddenly Figures Out They Can't Win Their Latest War Against the NRA…n-francisco-suddenly-figures-cant-win-latest-war-nra-n116619…n-francisco-suddenly-figures-cant-win-latest-war-nra-n116619
A few weeks later, we find out that the city has decided to back down in its war on the group:
Mayor London Breed issued the advisory … In a memo co-written by the city attorney, Breed wrote that the board can only enact new contracting requirements by ordinance.…
SF Fire Dept. Takes Heat After ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Makes It Into the News for Worst Possible Reason…don-makes-it-into-the-news-for-worst-possible-reason-n632997…don-makes-it-into-the-news-for-worst-possible-reason-n632997
But an exception was made in one case over the weekend when a random Karen Twitter user tagged San Francisco Mayor London Breed, San…
The Most Left-Leaning of the Leftist Cities Wants Its Police Force Back…ng-of-the-leftist-cities-wants-its-police-force-back-n404349…ng-of-the-leftist-cities-wants-its-police-force-back-n404349
But this is going to happen and keep happening so long as these citizens continue to vote in people like Nancy Pelosi or Mayor London … Breed.…
A Collapsing San Francisco Is About to Lose Nearly Half Its Residents and Democrats Are Only Fueling the Fire…ts-residents-and-democrats-are-only-fueling-the-fire-n405385…ts-residents-and-democrats-are-only-fueling-the-fire-n405385
As reported by the Daily Wire, Mayor London Breed is going to take care of the problem “in a holistic manner.” … Mayor [London] Breed has laid out budgets which target these issues in a holistic manner, and they lay the groundwork for serious solutions … In other words, Breed is going to use $1 billion to expand conservatorship over San Franciscans with severe mental illness, including…
Trump Hoses Pelosi Over Impeachment Excrement While Her Home District of San Francisco is Literally Covered in Caca…t-home-district-san-francisco-literally-covered-caca-n118572…t-home-district-san-francisco-literally-covered-caca-n118572
Meanwhile, as San Francisco Mayor London Breed told NBC News last year:
“I will say there is more feces on the sidewalks than I’ve…
San Francisco Refuses To Do Business With 22 States Over Anti Abortion Laws That Protect Babies.…business-22-states-anti-abortion-laws-protect-babies-n118172…business-22-states-anti-abortion-laws-protect-babies-n118172
Mayor London Breed and Supervisor Vallie Brown announced the measure last week. … we are standing up against states that put women’s health at risk and that are actively working to limit reproductive freedoms,” Breed … homeless person you are ignoring and letting suffer on the street gives a flying you know what about your moral preening, Mayor Breed…
San Francisco Has an Official Poop Patrol...And You Won't Believe How Much They're Paid
(AP Photo/Eric Risberg)
San Francisco’s mayor London Breed goes to great pains not to blame the actual addicts and homeless for the … “The responsibility is with everyone,” Breed said.…
California State Capitol Sees Surge in Homelessness, Surpasses San Francisco for First Time…homelessness-surpasses-san-francisco-for-first-time-n586194…homelessness-surpasses-san-francisco-for-first-time-n586194
homelessness spike is not solely Newsom’s fault, as blame should be placed on Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, San Francisco Mayor London … Breed, and San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, as well. … Breed (@LondonBreed) June 23, 2022
As Newsom tries moving into the national spotlight, he has highlighted abortion and gun control…
Brooke Jenkins Is San Francisco's New District Attorney
Exactly four weeks after 60 percent of San Francisco voters chose to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin, Mayor London Breed has … experience to lead this department and from personal experience, understands both sides of the criminal justice system,” said Mayor Breed…