Results for: idiots

Useful Idiots for Baal
– those publications and cited as a reasonable evangelical voice by those publications, I have to think he or she is really useful idiots … Many of these useful idiots for Baal sell a gospel stripped of its full meaning and commitment. … The useful idiots of Baal are not willing to go along for that ride. They’d rather their Jesus bake cakes for gay weddings.…
Americans Are Idiots About Terrorism
– This is the fundamental lack of seriousness we see every day on television from the media and from Democrats and even from a few idiots … The rest of us are idiots because after all this time we’re still letting the morons get away with it.…
Some Economists™ are Idiots
– research and data collection that went into the Times’ assertion, I can say without fear of contradiction that “some economists” are idiots
Rich Idiots and the Republican Gigolos
– A lot of Republican donors are idiots. Right now they are licking their wounds. … activist on the ground was less likely to get attention than the jet setters and poseurs in that world who “had a plan”.These rich idiots … The rich idiots do not have to be idiots.…
Let the Idiots Expose Their Idiocy
– It's really just a bunch of idiots buying into an idea that other idiots sold them.  … Stop letting the idiots hide away in the dark to become more powerful …
Climate Alarmism Is for Useful Idiots
–  It's because they're idiots. Let's be honest here. …  But these idiots don't know what else to do because they're idiots, playing into the hands of people who are very good at manipulating … idiots.…
Trump Makes the NRA Look like Idiots
– Is there anyone who has ever endorsed Donald Trump who wasn’t embarrassed by the decision less than two weeks later? The most recent honoree in the Trump endorsement embarrassment sweepstakes is the NRA, who woke up to this tweet this morning from Donald Trump: I will be meeting with the...
Sullivan, Friedersdorf and All the Other Idiots
– I simply cannot bother to waste more than a few moments of my life writing something about the pathetic musings of Conor Friedersdorf, Andrew Sullivan or the usual cast of self-determined “intellectuals” determined to continually attack and criticize those on the conservative front lines – folks like Rush, Mark Levin,...
Martha Roby Thinks Her Voters are Idiots
– [mc_name name=’Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000591′ ] is facing a primary challenge from tea-party hero Becky Gerritson in Alabama. It is shaping up as one of this election cycle’s top opportunities to remove one of [mc_name name=’Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’B000589′ ]’s most reliable votes these last few...
These GOP Representatives think you are idiots UPDATED
– One of the classic stunts in Washington is to vote for and against a bill. While [mc_name name=’Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’K000148′ ] made “voting for it before voting against it” famous, he is by no means the only practitioner. Bob Dole was eviscerated because his voting record was...
Helpful reminder: Communism kills, capitalism saves.
– Moe Lane *Please note, by the way, that Norman Borlaug quite rightly felt that GMO opponents were, well, idiots with no historical … This is largely because Norman Borlaug was a product of his time and culture, which was largely intolerant towards idiots with no historical…
HOT TAKES: Schiff Blows a Fuse at Tucker Explaining His Putin Interview, He Gets Schooled With Huge Ratio…is-putin-interview-he-gets-schooled-with-huge-ratio-n2169783
– Leftists have been "useful idiots" for Communists and foreign influence for a long time.  … There are idiots. And useful idiots. … There are idiots. And useful idiots.…
Senator Cruz - 1, Smarmy Millennial - 0
– the risk of sounding like an old, boring, fuddy-duddy, let me say, as a precursor to this piece, that young people these days are idiots … OK… they’re not all idiots. I’ve been quite pleased with the comport of some millennials.…
QotD, Going After The Race Traitor edition.
– Quick background: Philly mayor Mike Nutter (Democrat, but nobody’s perfect) has had enough of young African-American mostly-male idiots … Which is to say, he’s calling said idiots idiots, and making it clear that they need to start taking personal responsibility for the … Neither was his excellent response to other idiots complaining that they broke curfew because they didn’t know what time it was (“Buy…
ISIS WMD attack in Iraq against Kurds. You know: the place without WMDs.
– Short version: in 2015 ISIS used the WMDs that blithering idiots told us weren’t there against Kurdish forces.  … Which ISIS got because an entire OTHER set of blithering idiots messed up the post-Bush reconstruction of Iraq to the point where Iraq … It’s been known for quite some time that Hussein’s supposedly-imaginary stocks of chemical weapons (which, blithering idiots on the…
Confirmed: The New York Times Editorial Board Are Idiots
– ========= ========= Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement. ========= ========= The editorial board of the New York Times recently penned an editorial titled “Confirmed: Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted.”  If one wants to read this partisan piece of journalistic drivel, see here.  Let me save you the...
WATCH: Ted Cruz Slams the Hypocrisy of the Left
– “These are the idiots now protesting by laying down in front of cars and disrupting traffic. … Now go home and stop being idiots. . … @tedcruz: These idiots rioting in the streets are the same people who demanded President-elect Trump accept the results of the election…
Bill Maher Blisters Ivy League Antisemitism, 'Team Hamas,' and 'Useful Idiots'…y-league-anti-semitism-team-hamas-and-useful-idiots-n2167382
– Bill Maher on the Pro-Palestine protests across college campuses:"You know that phrase 'useful idiots'? … The bigger scandal here is these are the biggest most esteemed colleges and they've raised a bunch of fucking idiots." … , most esteemed colleges in the country and they've raised a bunch of f---ing idiots."…
Chris Evans Is Both Right and Wrong in His Statement About the Future of the LGBT in America…is-statement-about-the-future-of-the-lgbt-in-america-n579582
– ” and effectively saying that they’re on the wrong side of history according to Reuters: “The real truth is those people are idiots … his language, though it’s definitely pretty clear that he was calling people here in the states “idiots.” … For one, people who disagree with homosexuality and don’t want it displayed in kid’s movies aren’t “idiots.”…
Videographer Physically Body-Checked, Blocked From Recording Pro-Hamas Protesters at UCLA…rom-ucla-campus-as-pro-palestinian-protests-rage-on-n2173405
–— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 27, 2024The footage prompts a few questions.First: Why are these useful idiots … I'll give the hippies credit for one thing; most of them were committed enough to show their faces.Second: Why are these useful idiots … with an 11-foot bohunk, which is what one uses when a 10-foot pole is too short.Did I mention that these kids are useful idiots?…
Will 2024 Be the Summer of the Frat Boy?
– Nowadays, though, we have a problem - pro-Hamas useful idiots are causing trouble all over. … But when screeching, Hamas-flag-waving idiots are in our faces, that becomes difficult. … The useful idiots will be out in force.There will also be replies.…
Divider-in-Chief: Biden Calls Protesters 'Idiots' at Illinois Speech
– His response: Calling us idiots .. bold strategy — Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) November 5, 2022 … Give me a break, what idiots. Nice. That’s the way to bring the country together, Joe!…
ILWU to #OccupyPortland Operatives & Other Useful Idiots: Please, just leave.
– really become nothing more than a 21st-Century Marxist Revolution, coordinated by Left-wing operatives and populated by their useful idiots
Show the World BuzzFeed's Sources Are Idiots & They Get Suspicious
– HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAGo here to understand it all. this totally doesn't make me more suspicious at all, @EWErickson — Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) August 23, 2013 Writing long defensive blog posts always the best, least suspicious way...