Results for: the big guy

Herman Cain Singlehandedly Revives an Old Stereotype
– on the top, electrify it, and put a big sign on it that read “if you touch this, you will die!” … “There’s nothing funny” about the issue he said. … Humorless liberals are our greatest PR advantage in 2012 with independents who just want something to smile about.By the way, at the
What the GOP Must Do: Finding Common Ground With the Occupiers
– Most of us do think the deck is stacked against the little guy. … Only the big guys can get a seat at the table where Washington hands out loans and grants and bailouts to its friends in Big Business … The playing field has been tilted toward the big businesses because they are the only ones who had the capital to stay ahead of government…
Herman Cain is Losing Me
– It is the same personality trait you find in any big government supporter: They will support things on paper that look good when they … The problem was the idea.   … This guy has two major issues in the primaries: In state tuition for illegal aliens EO for mandatory vaccinations I am not going…
The Horserace for October 27, 2011
– But I get the sense the campaign is in denial. … Ron Paul is encountering his own version of Romney’s problem, and sneaking up from the rear is a guy most of us had written off.We’ … Gingrich thinks he is the next guy to go up and it is a smart guess to make.…
Tech at Night: Dangerous Internet censorship bill in the House, Spectrum crunch ideas, FCC subsidies advancing…e-house-spectrum-crunch-ideas-fcc-subsidies-advancing-n40924
– PROTECT IP also removes safe harbor concepts critical to the DMCA that gave ISPs reason to be fair to the little guy when pounded on … by the big guy. … Eric Schmidt went off on big government recently, thanks to the government coming after Google, but it doesn’t necessarily mean Google…
The Circle closes on #OWS.
The cycle is completed: the past and the future have merged, to become the eternal Now. … The prophecy has been fulfilled and the revelations made clear. … a giant painting of Martin Luther King Jr. and an Indian, and chases the big bearded guy off the stage.…
#OWS Turns A Corner In The Latest Quinnipiac Poll
– as a result of the big labor cartel. … The new movements which appeared in the middle years of the century . . . had the conscious aim of perpetuating unfreedom and inequality … The OWSers, like the people called by Quinnapiac, are going to have to go through a nasty Come to Jeebus Meeting with the guy staring…
A Moment for Two Deep Breaths
– of the story and on the second page, where the casual reader would not see them unless they bothered to click the “Next” at the bottom … Given the nature of the allegations and the materiality of the corrections that were intentionally buried, I can only conclude that … Should we participate in the fatal wounding of the guy who is currently leading most primary polls on non-ideological grounds, based…
The Horserace for November 3, 2011
the man on his third wife could benefit from the guy who taken out by a sexual harassment scandal, but hey, this is America! … The big question though is if Newt has the capital to survive. Money will be a problem. Jon Huntsman Who? … The odds of Romney being the nominee grow daily.…
Perry, Gingrich, Cain, and Huntsman. Oh My.
– President of the United States and while working for the President of the United States decided to run against his boss. … I still find it shocking that the guy running as the liberal in the race, or at least the media accepted moderate, came up withe boldest … You and I both have time and time again seen the GOP decide to go with “the most electable” guy only to lose.…
Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins
– If he loses women by as big as he is starting to lose the women, he cannot win.So Mitt Romney will be the nominee. … And voters would rather the guy they don’t like than they guy they don’t trust. … pose as the faces, voices, and writers of the conservative movement at large, keep throwing their lot in with a guy who keeps selling…
North Carolinian Nathan Shafer arrested for threatening life of Gov. Nikki Haley (R, SC)...…arrested-for-threatening-life-of-gov-nikki-haley-r-sc-n41284
– …but the white guy insists that it’s not a big deal that he publicly posted a promise to murder an Indian-American female governor … Shafer may avoid prosecution nonetheless: as the above article notes, back in July the Ninth Circus Circuit ruled that expressing a … I find the Shafers and Bagdasarians of the world equally reprehensible, and I have no issue with their lack of self-control being subject…
Michael Medved Rejects Conservatives and Embraces Romney
– It is the one Medved danced around and the one that gets to the heart of Romney’s flaw. … On Romney’s electability, an argument Medved must necessarily gloss over to prove his guy is the guy who can win, consider Jonathan … Bush and his moderate tax hikes in 1992 for a guy who ran proclaiming the era of big government over.…
MF Global: Wall Street Fraud Extends Down To The Farm.
– — the trustee dismantling the firm’s brokerage unit said on Monday. … The people affected by this thievery are not big-shwinging-Wall Street [redacted]s. … Take these people out of the market, and the systemic ethical problems starting in the corner offices of Wall Street could become a…
Morning Briefing for November 22, 2011
– I’m off to mop floors, clean out the Big Green Egg, and help my wife get the house ready for my family coming in for the holiday. … left when the recipient of the contract was American company Haliburton.There’s a big difference this time. … Senator Orrin Hatch is a decent enough guy and very likable, but I get the sense from the grassroots in Utah that they are ready for…
Was the Tea Party Kicked Out of the Capitol By Former Bennett Staffers Mad at Mike Lee?…he-capitol-by-former-bennett-staffers-mad-at-mike-lee-n41219
– Everything was set, the meeting had been approved through all of the appropriate channels, the tables had been set up, the microphones … Chuck Schumer (yeah, the guy responsible for shutting down the Tea Party debt panel) on the Valerie Plame affair. … Evicted from the Russell Building, [FreedomWorks] saw suspicious motives – big government strikes again!…
#OWS! (Unless it’s Wall Street DEMOCRAT Jon Corzine stealing the $M600).
– Can the organizers and bankrollers of #OWS? I’m guessing that would be a big no. … They’ll take out their frustrations on the kids, but are cowards in front of the big boys like Former Governor Corzine. … As they said in the 1960’s; “The streets belong to the people.”…
So Why Really Care That Jon Corzine Spent The Money Of Others?
– And by the way, what is the US Federal Reserve doing handing out billions of dollars to the Royal Bank of Scotland? … fertilize the turf. … “This man represents the Peace Corps. He’s brought a big sack of rye bread and turkey.…
Tech at Night: FCC victimizes T-Mobile, SOPA in trouble, Google's Net Neutrality admission?…bile-sopa-in-trouble-googles-net-neutrality-admission-n41362
– T-Mobile has no 4G, no iPhone, and no clear plan for what to do if their right to sell off to AT&T is taken away by the big government … Nobody benefits when big government tramples the little guy. … The Government in going after these firms is simply trapping the public in the middle.…
Is Mitt Romney as Whiny as Barack Obama? Or Just Not Really Vetted?
– If you haven’t seen the Bret Baier interview with Mitt Romney it is now abundantly apparent why Mitt Romney will not sit in the middle … The question is, do you still support the idea of a mandate? Do you believe that that was the right thing for Massachusetts? … Yes folks, the former Governor of Massachusetts actually complained that Bret Baier — Bret Baier of Fox New’s Special Report, the guy
Morning Briefing for December 1, 2011
The College of Hypocritical Big Government Cardinals ———————————————————————- 1. … Yes folks, the former Governor of Massachusetts actually complained that Bret Baier — Bret Baier of Fox New’s Special Report, the guyThe College of Hypocritical Big Government Cardinals There is an old adage in Washington that describes the political system as consisting…
'The Most Volatile Republican Race in Decades' Is Actually Well Settled
The reason the race is so volatile is that ‘Not Romney’ is not on the ballot” I keep hearing from the Washington Chattering Classes … , Team Romney, and the White House that the race is over and Romney’s the nominee. … The race is settled against Mitt Romney. The question, however, is who the alternative is going to be.…
Morning Briefing for November 29, 2011
– Herman Cain and the Big Picture 2. Fact Check: Ron Paul is Wrong About Defense Spending 3. … Herman Cain and the Big Picture I would much rather talk about how Barack Obama is screwing the country with disastrous policies, … click here for the rest of the post. 3.…
Morning Briefing for November 28, 2011
– Nikki Haley (R, SC)… …but the white guy insists that it’s not a big deal that he publicly posted a promise to murder an Indian-American … the rest of the post. 3. … here for the rest of the post.…
Union Leader Endorses Gingrich for President
– Readers of the Union Leader and Sunday News know that we don’t back candidates based on popularity polls or big-shot backers. … He has the experience, the leadership qualities and the vision to lead this country in these trying times. … the guy who wants to be respected.”…
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